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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Meeting our boys

Tomorrow is the day! The day we've been waiting for, praying for and dreaming of for around 4 years! For any of you reading this without knowing much about us, Monica and I had to go through in vitro fertilization (abbreviated IVF) to have children. 98% of men with CF have either a complete blockage of or lack of the vas deferens in their reproductive system. This means no sperm can make their way out of the body without being extracted by way of surgery. Monica and I both knew this before we got married and knew there could be a possibility we would never have children of our own.I won't go into all the details, but through IVF we were blessed enough to become pregnant with twin boys! Tomorrow we get to meet them! To see the beginning of our journey here's an older post about how it all started, click here.

It really is a dream come true! It's so surreal just thinking about it. Our lives are about to drastically change. We're about to experience one of the greatest miracles of all!

For this Thankful Thursday, we both say we are thankful that tomorrow we meet our boys! I will get to hold my sons in my arms tomorrow! Jeremy and Monica will become Father and Mother to two beautiful sons. It will by far be the greatest day of our lives up until now!

I will do my best to post some pics and an update as soon as possible!

For now I will leave you with some pics of our finished nursery! Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! We both are so excited to introduce our boys to you!

1 comment:

  1. Well the big day is here and I am beyond excited for you both :) The room looks amazing love all the colors in it. You even have clothes laid out for them, nice!! So who is going to be in that rocker more, Jeremy or Monica?
