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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Good Trip, FaceTime & Being Back Home

It's Thankful Thursday again! Another week recorded in the history books! This week as always we have so much to be thankful for. Last week we were saying how thankful we were that we were going to be meeting our boys! We have had so much to be thankful for lately! There is always something to be thankful for, even in the midst of a storm, we can find thankfulness. This week I'm going it alone as Monica is very busy with nursing two boys every 3 hours. She needs her rest.  So here it is, my list:

Jeremy's List:

This week I'm thankful for a very good trip. I traveled to Kings of Prussia, Pennsylvania yesterday at 4:15 pm and returned home today around 3:30. I was gone less than 24 hours! I was giving a presentation I have given at several other RT conferences. The trip was a very good one! It was very quick, but very good. The hotel was very nice! I had the chance to meet up with a gentleman I met in New Orleans. We went to dinner when I arrived with several other people. It really was a good time! Got a full nights sleep, which I felt a little guilty for given that my poor wife was at home sleeping in 2 and a half hour increments. Got up and gave my presentation that went very well. I always fear it will not go smooth. Grabbed a quick bite to eat and was whisked away to the airport to fly home! I'm extremely grateful to those who made the trip possible and for their awesome hospitality!

I'm also thankful for FaceTime. FaceTime is like Skype between iPhones. It takes a lot less time to connect and I have found generally has a better picture and connection. I was missing my wife and boys pretty bad last night while laying in the hotel, and this morning I woke to FaceTime with my wife! It was awesome! I got to see her and the boys! Jace was awake and Jeriah was sleeping. It was great to get to see the 3 people I love most in this world! Thank you Apple for FaceTime!!

I'm thankful for getting to return home so quickly to my family! I missed them more than I thought I would. After all, I was not even gone a full 24 hours, yet I missed them pretty bad! I had a picture of both boys in my presentation today and was grateful everyone started clapping so I could regain my composure... I almost shed a few tears. Completely caught me off guard too! It was so nice to come home to my wife and boys today! While we were still in the hospital I had quite a bit of bonding time with Jeriah. Jace was kept in the nursery more because of his episodes and then had to have a test done. Today when I got home, Jace woke up to eat and stayed awake after. I carried him around for a good hour or two just talking to him and looking at him. They're both such good babies! It's great to be home!

So what are you thankful for today?!

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