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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Belly Pic: 36 Weeks, Twin Update & New Delivery Date

We had an appointment today for growth ultrasounds and fetal monitoring again. A month ago, at 32 weeks, Baby A was 3 lbs 12 oz and baby B was 3 lbs 13 oz. Today they had trouble getting good measurements of both, but their estimates were that Baby A weighs 5 lbs 7 oz, and Baby B weighs 4 lbs 13 oz. Whoo-hoo! No wonder Monica's tummy seems to be growing exponentially! They had the most trouble guess-timating Baby B's measurements and it looked to me like she under-measured Baby B's stomach. We're thinking Baby B is at least the same size as his brother if not bigger. Which means Monica has close to 11 pounds of BABY in that tummy! That's a lot!

I honestly was pretty shocked at their weights. I was thinking all along that they would maybe make it to 5 lbs but probably not. Mostly based on the twins I see at the hospital where I work. Looks like our boys are gonna be healthy plump little babies! They may even make it to 6 lbs! It was a good day for the boys! They passed their fetal monitoring tests in around 10-15 minutes. Everything looks great! We could see them "breathing" on the ultrasound. It was really cool to see that. They still look so tiny on the screen. Much bigger than the last time we saw them , but still seem so little.

Our anticipation grows more and more everyday! AND, we just found out that our C-section has been moved to April 12th! Everything is fine though! They found a slight trace of protein in Monica's urine, which they are not concerned about. They said it can be normal, it just hasn't been there up to this point. However, given the presence of protein and since it is twins, they don't want to push it past 38 weeks and give the opportunity for something to go wrong. So, they want to take them at 38 weeks exactly. So now their birthday will no longer be tax day. It will be April 12th! We only have 10 days! I know it's only 3 days earlier, but it seems a lot sooner now! Holy smokes!

And now, here's the latest greatest Belly Pic! Along with some bonus pics! :)

                                  Baseline                                                                     36 Weeks

                                                                         34 Weeks

Monica wearing a fake 9 Month pregnancy belly under her maternity dress

Monica's real 8 month pregnant twin belly in the same dress

 Our twin stroller that holds both carseats and has toddler seats when they get bigger!


  1. Hi Monica,
    Can't believe that you have no comments! I hope you won't mind a guy telling you just how AWESOMELY BEAUTIFUL your twin baby belly is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I just came across your youtube video because we are starting the IVF journey if our insurance covers it (prayers welcome) I wanted to say thank u both for documenting it. I was literally sitting here in tears it was just so beautiful. I will be praying for your next journey! God bless!
