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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Diappearing Pupps, Baby Movement & Vehicles

Hey everybody, it's that time of the week again. Thankful Thursday! Yet another week has passed us by, gone to the history books. It's human nature to take things for granted and not recognize the blessings that surround us. Life gets busy and fills up fast. It's nice to take the time to stop for a few minutes and recognize a few of the things we have to be thankful for. Here we go, our lists:

Monica's List:

I am SOOO thankful that my Pupps rash is pretty much gone!! I just can't believe it!! I'm learning foods that I think tend to trigger it too. I'm eating really healthy as not to have a lot of processed foods/toxins in my body... so that is a win-win! It seems to have made all the difference in the world. I'm still drinking my Strawberry Banana V8 V-fusion every day and have been snacking on a lot of fruit and nuts. When the rash came on full fledged both of us became very worried! It was pretty much unbearable and I was only getting a few interrupted hours of sleep a night. We thought if it continued in that pattern I would have to have the boys earlier. There were times I thought I could have a mental breakdown because I literally wanted to cut my skin off. I itched/burned all day and night long and there was no relief. It was taking everything within me to try and be positive through it and I was about to break. was just bad! I am SO THANKFUL for the prayers that were sent my way and to my Saviour for touching my body!!

I am thankful for the movement of my boys. As you can probably imagine they are getting very cramped! I feel every little nudge and bump from all sides! I only have 8 more days of being pregnant with our treasures... and it is slightly bittersweet! More sweet than anything because I just can't wait to meet them! I've waited my whole life for this!! Slightly bitter because I am so going to miss carrying them every second of every day and knowing that they are completely safe. Feeling them move inside my belly is the sweetest, most amazing feeling and instantly brings joy to my heart! As I type this I can feel the top of baby B's head and baby A's feet tapping. Oh, how I will miss this!! I could never express how thankful I am that the Lord has blessed me with this opportunity! I haven't taken one moment of this pregnancy for granted. This could very possibly be the only time I will be pregnant and I've tried to soak up every bit of it! God has blessed me with the desires of my heart and I will forever be THANKFUL!

"My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful
of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is His name." Luke 1:46-49

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for my parents and in-laws loaning us vehicles. My blazer broke down on me twice at work 2 weeks ago and had to be towed home both times. It's in the process of being fixed right now so we've been down to one vehicle. Thankfully last week my father-in-law loaned us my sister-in-laws VW Beetle for me to drive to and from work. It's a diesel with a manual tranny and that thing is pretty fun to drive. Probably looked just as funny me driving it with the flowers she has on the dash board too! :)  Yesterday my parents let us borrow their car since mine is still being fixed. I'm thankful for loaner vehicles so we didn't have to pay to rent one.

I'm also thankful that we know an awesome mechanic! Him and his family were our neighbors growing up. He's a great guy and he's really good at what he does! I just don't trust taking it to a shop where I don't know the people. I hear people at work talking about how something happened with their car so they took it to the shop and left with a $3,000 bill, and the shop owner telling them all these other things had to be fixed. I have no problem paying someone good money to fix my car when I can trust them and know they'll fix it right. I'm very thankful that I know an awesome mechanic, and doubly thankful that he agreed to fix it. He's a very busy man!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! 8 days left?! I can't believe it. I will be eagerly waiting for that birth announcement! Praying for an easy and healthy birth for both boys and mama!
