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Sunday, October 7, 2012

IVF Journey

Here's a video of our IVF journey from start to 6 weeks pregnant!


  1. that was probably the most touching video and story I have ever seen... You are both such a blessing and what an awesome story!!!! I cried about 3/4s of the way thru it... loved it when you prayed in the car and we Give God the GLORY for all He is doing for your family!! You guys are great, Monica you are so beautiful and these babies are going to be so Blessed to have you both as parents!! Thanks for sharing your story with us! Love you guys so much,

    1. Thanks Liz! You're so awesome! Thanks for always reading our posts and commenting!

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey with us- down to every detail! It is so cool to see how God can use very special doctors and amazing technology to grow a family for His glory. It truly touched us to see how you constantly acknowledged His hand in this whole process. What great parents/examples you both will be for your little ones! Keep us posted. We will be praying for you all in this exciting journey!!!
    ~Ethannah ;)

    1. Thanks....Ethannah! lol! Very creative! Ours would be Jerica, haha! We wanted to include as much of it as we could, without making it boring. God truly did have a hand in it the whole way through. We prayed over every detail and everything went unbelievably smooth! No complications at all! There are sooooo many things that can and often do go wrong, but nothing at all happened. The doctors were very impressed and thrilled that it went so smoothly, and for that we give God the credit! We will definitely keep posting many, many updates! Hopefully you don't get tired of them. :)

  3. Monica and Jeremy CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Thank you for sharing this video with all of us to see. I watched the entire video and it truly was wonderful. The video reminded Maria and I about our IVF joureny all the shots that had to be taken, doctor appointements etc.

    We are so excited for you two. Welcome to the world of pregnancy!!! I hope that you guys continue to update everyone on your pregnancy.

    I would like to share a link to your post on my blog about your IVF journey because I think there are some wonderful things in this video for anyone going through IVF!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS again on your twin miracles!!!!

    1. Thanks John! We definitely will keep posting updates! It was hard not to post them throughout the process, but we had our reasons for waiting. Now we can go post crazy!

      If you havn't already, definitely feel free to post the link. That's why we made the video. So not only our family and friends can see our journey but so others who may go through it one day can watch it. We watched videos on Ronnie and Mandi's blog and several other blogs about it.

      Thanks again John! Can't wait til they get here!

  4. I feel so blessed to have found your story and am so grateful that you decided to share it. I too am in the St. Louis area and my husband and I will be going through IVF in May. Your story brings so much comfort and positivity to the scaring but extremely exciting situation. I will be thinking of your family, especially during the next few months.

    1. I'm glad you found it too! We put it on here hoping it would help others who would be going through the same thing. We saw a couple post their entire journey on their blog and it was a huge encouragement to us! It also really helped prepare us for what we would be going through. Feel free to message me via facebook or email me any questions you may have for Monica or myself! It was an incredible experience! Soak up every bit of it!
