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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Growing Twins & Cars, Supportive friends, and ....Twins! ;)

Hey hey hey! It's Thankful Thursday again! Everyone has something to be thankful for! If I can still find things to be thankful for after the week we've had, so can you! Monica's car was broken into Friday evening while I was running and my wallet was stolen. They smashed the passenger door window to get in. My ID, debit card, insurance cards, 3 checks, Costco card, Six Flags season pass, AAA card, and several other important ID cards (not my SS card) were in my wallet. The thief did buy gas twice and tried to buy $52.61 at a local gas station. The investigation is ongoing.

Monica and I ran in the Second Wind Lung 5K Saturday and I've spent a lot of time since replacing the stolen items and having her window replaced. I was very bummed at first, thinking about the expenses we would be facing. In typical fashion, I had a God moment. :) I realized everything that was taken is replaceable. I can get new ID cards, a new wallet and window. Money is just money. While it has been tight lately, it's still just money. I have a very healthy, happy wife with not 1 but 2 healthy babies rapidly growing inside her! Since I've already sort of began, here's my list for this week's Thankful Thursday!

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for healthy, growing babies! Monica sent me a picture the other day with 2 tiny, little blueberries in her hand. The message below the picture said,"Remember when they were just this big?" At 7 weeks they were the size of a blueberry, they now, at 14 weeks, are supposedly the size of a lemon! She has 2 lemon sized kiddos inside her! They now have the ability to make facial expressions, possibly suck their thumbs, their livers are producing bile, their spleens are making red blood cells, they can pee, their head and body are now proportionate, and their little limbs are 1/2 an inch long! That's crazy!

Monica has been showing (we can tell anyway) for a couple weeks now, but it's getting more and more obvious. I think she definitely has a little baby bump now. Whoo-hoo! I don't know why but I'm very excited for her bump to get bigger and bigger! I can't wait to see my 2 little beany babies again soon! It's so exciting and such a blessing to know that everything in their world is going great right now! There may be some slight turbulence out here, but in their sweet little world everything is peachy keen! For that I am very thankful!

On a side note, someone found one of the checks that was in my wallet on the side of the road and mailed it to me. It's for $25. I had planned on going to the bank that evening, so it was already signed. Yet another blessing. At work today I was awarded the Employee of the Year Award. Very unexpected and in my opinion undeserved. Another blessing. They just keep on piling up. The good always outweighs the bad!!! On that note, what are you thankful for?!

Monica's list:

First off, Huge Congratulations to John and Maria on the birth of their beautiful little girl Alayna!!
John, like Jeremy has CF, and they had to go through IVF as well. We understand the roller coaster ride that IVF can be and how rewarding it is to hear that it worked!! Thank you for sharing the pics of your new bundle of joy! May God bless you all and give her many healthy, happy years!! It makes me that much more excited for our babies to be in our arms!

I am thankful for our cars! While it stinks that my car was broken into and we had to pay for a new window it reminds me that we both have cars. Do we drive luxurious cars? No... but they get us where we need to go and drive just fine, for that I am thankful! I remember working at a bakery where our 40 -something year old dishwasher was saving up to buy his first car. He had taken the bus all of his life. Once he came up with enough money to buy that car (the nicest way I know to put it is that it was the definition of junker) he was so excited and proud of it. I at the time was 18, and driving the cute little convertible that my parents had bought me. Spoiled much?! ;) I will never take whatever vehicle I have for granted!

I am thankful for friends that are dedicated to fitness and eating healthy. We are fortunate enough to have close friends that motivate us and vice versa. We have a group on facebook called "Friends Fitness Support Group." We post on there when we go running and run together when we can. We also post fitness goals and successes. It's so nice to have a support group where we can build each other up! It's become a really good motivator to get out there and be more healthy!

I am thankful for our twins!! I mean really what else do I need to say?! ;) I am thankful that I feel great and am having more and more energy! I am thankful that our twins are growing and starting to push out my tummy! I am thankful that I haven't had hardly any sickness and have been problem free! Maybe it's just me, but I feel like it is because of the Lord's grace and blessings! To Him be the glory for Everything!!


  1. Thank you for the congratulations Monica!!! That was so sweet and kind of you :) The only individuals that will truly understand what it is like to go through IVF are the ones who actually do. I plan to post about the actual labor sometime soon. So I hope you will stop back and read it. Plus I will more pics :)

    Jeremy my fibro! I love your attitude...The good always outweigh the bad! No doubt it truly does. I'm just glad that you and Monica and the twins are safe. Thats #1. But it sounds like things are going in the right direction in your household!

    As far as what I'm thankful for is pretty obvious the birth of our little miracle Alayna. I'm also thankful that my wife made it through labor HEALTHY and Alayna is HEALTHY!

    Take care Jeremy and Monica! Oh where is the picture of Monica's little baby bump???

    1. Thanks John! You are right about the safety of the fam being #1. Everyone is healthy and happy! Those pics will be coming soon my friend!
