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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Exciting Year So Far!

2016 has been a great year for the Parks family so far!

We finally sold our home and can start with the building process. We're currently working on getting blueprints designed. It's exciting getting to pick the layout of the house we want. There is definitely lots to think about. Which way do you want the door to open? Right handed or left handed? Where do you want windows, light switches, light fixtures, cabinets, stove, oven, sink??? All kinds of decisions to be made! It's a lot but it will absolutely be worth it and we're very excited! We'll keep you posted on the house as it progresses.

We both have had advancements in our careers this year. I don't talk a lot about our careers on here, because they are such a small part of our lives (in our opinions). Work is simply something you do so you can enjoy life with family! We have been blessed in our careers this year.

My health has been good. PFT's staying pretty steady despite the winter. I wasn't admitted through the winter and managed to make it through with only a couple minor bouts with colds. That's a huge plus! Thank you Lord!

I was asked to write an article for the AARC Times again. If you recall in one of my previous posts from a coupe years back, I was asked to write an article for the AARC Times (American Association of Respiratory Care) about my life with CF. It's a nationally published magazine. The link to that post is here. This time they asked me to write about the 2013 CFF Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines. I submitted the article last week. It's in the review process. I'll keep you posted and post pics of the article in the magazine when I get it. It's always exciting to be asked to write an article for a magazine of this caliber and I am honored!

The boys are all doing great!! Trevor has been crawling since about 6 months old. He is so desperate to catch up to his brothers and be able to run and play with them. The twins will be 3 in 5 days! So hard to believe they are this old already! It's been a very exciting year thus far and we can't wait to see what God has in store for the remainder of it!

Here's a few pics of the family for you to enjoy!

I finally made it back to Chicago for a respiratory conference and was able to go to Jake Melnics and get their Street Fries. They are AMAZING!! If you're ever in Chicago I highly recommend going there.

Ignore the booger nose and this is one handsome boy! The prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen!
My red-headed mini-me. We're still amazed that we had a red head! Love him!
Lately Jace wants to ride in daddy's car all the time.
Our awesome Easter picture! Keeping it real!

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