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Monday, October 8, 2012

1 week later. His way.. not mine!

Here's a post Monica wrote about what she was feeling/thinking. We had intended to document all our thoughts and feelings in drafts and post them later, but this is the only one that made it. If you missed our post with our IVF Journey video click here to watch it.

Welp, today is officially one week after our embryo transfer. For the most part it has been pretty uneventful. Monday was the transfer, Tuesday and Wednesday I mostly just layed around watching movies and surfing the internet (my doctor told me to be a couch potato and take it easy), Thursday we went to the MO State Fair (which was a blast and a nice break from being cooped up inside the days before), and Friday, Saturday, Sunday I was back to work. Now here it is Monday again. It is Crazy how fast one week has already flown by! Deep down I knew I couldn't "knock" them out of there, but my actions said otherwise. HA! In the beginning of the week I was walking around like I was already 9 months pregnant, not wanting to bend over, or twist, or make any swift movements. I didn't even want to sneeze or laugh hard. Jeremy put America's Funniest Video's on and I remember thinking, "What is he thinking? Has he forgotten the embryos are in there? I can't be laughing! I'm gonna knock em' out of there!" HAHA! I quickly dismissed the silliness of my thoughts!

Through out the week I've had several people ask me if I feel "different" or if I "feel" pregnant. The answer is no... and no. Which is understanding considering if I am pregnant I am only 1 week. Most people don't even find out they are pregnant until WEEKS after that. Do I hope that I am pregnant?... UMM YEAH!! Do I think that I am pregnant?......... hmmm.......... hmmmm.........Yes, yes I do! Now you could say, "Well of course you think you are pregnant, you have hope that you are." And that is truth. But, I really do think that I am pregnant, like deep in my heart. God has given both of us such an amazing calm through all of this. Before we even started the in vitro process, Jeremy has always had a peace about it... more so than me. But once we started, it was like God miraculously took away any fear I had and He replaced it with what I can only describe as "peace that passes understanding." Peace that only HE can give, such a calm that I have never experienced in my life.

Once we started getting deep into the stimulating shots, and my ovaries began to get swollen, I stopped running. I went jogging for only one mile a couple days before my egg retrieval, but that has been my last true physical activity. I decided today that I was going to slowly ease back into it. I went to my jogging trail prepared to walk 2 miles, 3 tops. I kept praying as I was walking that God would give me guidance and that I wouldn't overdo it! I ended up doing the whole loop, 5 miles. I had been used to jogging it in under 45 minutes, so it took me an hour and 15 minutes to walk it, but I feel Great!! I listened to the worship songs on my ipod and prayed for our baby/babies. It was so good for me to get outside and spend that time with God! Britt Nicole's song "Have Your Way" struck such a chord with my heart! The whole song is my prayer, but the line where she says, "...and I'll trust you God with where I am, and believe that you will have your way, just have your way, just have your way..." is so true of where I am. I am fully aware that there is a possibility that this may not work.... that I may not be pregnant.... and that if this doesn't work it will be heartbreaking.... but, if that is God's way, God's Will, I will be ok! We will make it through! My prayer is God's will be done in our lives.... NO.MATTER.WHAT!!

1 comment:

  1. Monica, the laughing after the embryo transplant reminded me of my wife after our transplant. We were watching Impractical Jokers and we were dieing laughing and my wife says turn it off I have embryo's inside trying to implant!

    If you two love to laugh I suggest watching this show Impractical Jokers! Since now the embryos are settled in now!
