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Monday, April 8, 2013

4 Days Left!

We're in the home stretch! We only have 4 more days until we meet our two little miracles! It seems like they grow by the day too. They're supposed to be gaining a few ounces a day right now I believe. Last night A was moving around a lot! They were the biggest moves I think we've ever seen. It looked like he was gonna pop right through her stomach he was pushing so hard. It's still so amazing to watch and feel.

I'd say right now it's all still pretty surreal. We can definitely see them moving and know they're in there, but it's just so crazy to think in 4 days they'll be in our arms! I keep trying to imagine what it's going to be like. What they're going to look like. Is it really going to be as crazy difficult as everyone keeps making it out to be since there will be 2 of them? We keep trying to imagine how big they're going to be too. The ultrasound says they're both about 5 1/2 pounds. A 5 1/2 pound baby is little but not that little for being twins and that was a week ago. When we feel them through Monica's tummy they feel soooooo tiny!!

Anywho, all this imagining, wondering and questioning will be put to rest in 4 days when we meet them! To say we are ecstatic is an understatement! I'll leave you with some pics of Monica and her sister. Her sister is 5 months pregnant with a baby girl!

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