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Monday, December 17, 2012

Twin Gender Reveal!

My apologies to all those who have been anxiously awaiting this post to find out what we're having! Especially you John! Sorry to keep you waiting man! It was an action packed weekend! A very busy action packed weekend. I wanted to be able to put the video of us cutting the two cakes on here. So.... here it is!

We are overjoyed to hear that we're having two boys! There was a little sigh inside each of our hearts, in hopes that we would have at least one precious little girl, but it's all in God's glorious hands! His plan for our lives includes 2 boys! As a man, of course I think it's awesome that I'll have two little buddies, my two sons, to teach how to fish, to swim, to ski, to play sports, to workout with :) I can't wait to meet our two precious boys! OH, I almost forgot to mention.... I felt them kick for the first time... definitively! It was incredible! If you haven't experienced it I don't know how to put it into words. It was so amazing! As I mentioned in a previous post, both placentas are anterior, which means they are between the babies and Monica's stomach. This is why we haven't felt much movement until now.

That's all over! I felt Baby A! He is on Monica's left and is breech, which means head up. So his head is on her left and just above her bellybutton line. He was punching away in there! There were 4 or 5 definite punches! We almost thought we'd be able to see her stomach poke out they felt so strong! Then it felt as though he was rolling onto his side or something. It felt like a small stick running across the tip of my ring finger several times. My guess is his little forearm was waving back and forth. It gets more and more amazing everyday. To know that I just "touched" one of my boys for the first time through mommy's belly is priceless. I got to feel more movement tonight, and I must say.... I can't get enough! I LOVE IT!!!

Here's a few pics from our party! Enjoy!


  1. Jeremy and Monica CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Maria and I are so excited for you two. I was waiting and waiting my man totally understandable that this was probably one of the biggest weekends of your life. The video was great and the photos are priceless.

    This was such a great way to announce the gender to all your friends and family. I can tell that these two little miracle boys are going to have a wonderful Mommy and Daddy!!!

    We are over the moon for the two of you and CONGRATULATIONS again!! Looks like you two will have a great Christmas holiday :)

  2. Congratulations!! This made my day to see the video and read this post! I'm so excited for the two of you! Beautiful video, and REALLY fun way of announcing the gender!!!

    I am also so happy that you got to feel one of the babies!! How very exciting! :)
