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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Neti Pot & Rambunctious Babies

Well it's Thankful Thursday again! Another week in the history books! We all have so many things we can be thankful for. Monica and I enjoy taking the time to think of all the things we are thankful for! We would also like to give a shout out to Ronnie and Mandi Sharpe for getting us started on this awesome new tradition of ours! They have been doing it for quite some time and it's a fantastic idea! Check out their blog here!

Monica is working on a 3 tier cake for a party tomorrow so she will be passing on this week, unless she edits herself in later. A friend of ours just returned home from his 3rd(?) trip overseas with the Army, and his family is throwing a big shibang! Anywho, here's my list!

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for Neti pots! A lot of CFers use them from what I hear to help with sinus problems. I have never really had problems with my sinuses until I get sick. I just always thought it was part of getting sick to have really clogged sinuses, sinus headaches and some mild pain across the cheeks, between the eyebrows and across the forehead. I was talking to a CFer friend of mine who said she uses a Neti pot more frequently and especially when sick to help clear them out. Yesterday I felt pretty crummy. My sinuses were very clogged and hurting a little more than usual when I'm coming down with something. I say hurting only because I don't know what other word to use. To me hurting means you are in a lot of pain, but it was not bad at all. It was more annoying than anything. I went to Walgreens, bought me a Neti pot and used it. Whoo buddy! I like it! It worked really well! A little on the weird side, but effective! My left side cleared up completely and my right side felt much better. I'm pretty sure I have another polyp in my right sinus but that's another story. Today I feel much better. Hopefully I have diverted this cold!

I'm thankful for active babies in mommy's tummy! My boys have been moving and grooving in there! As I mentioned in our 22 Week Belly Pics post a lot of our family got to feel them moving over Christmas and I've gotten to feel them almost every day! I absolutely love it! Feeling the little "bumps" and rolling against my hand is miraculous! God never cease to amaze me with his creations! The way women can carry tiny little human beings inside them and the way they grow and develop is nothing short of a miracle! Feeling my boys bumping, punching, kicking my hands is my way of feeling connected to them right now. Monica is carrying them and gets to feel every movement, so I'm excited when I get to feel them too! I also could not be happier that my wife gets the blessing of carrying children! I love seeing her tummy grow and hearing her talk about them moving inside her! We are extremely blessed!

So what are you thankful for?! Let us know will you?

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