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Friday, December 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Gender Reveal & Planning

Well it's that time again! Another week forever recorded in the history books. It has been a GREAT week for us. How about we get straight to the lists!

Monica's List:

I am thankful for ultrasounds also (check out Jeremy's post below)! What an Amazing week it has already been so far! I can't wait for tomorrow night! We are having a gender reveal party to publicly find out the sexes of the twins with our close friends and family. As Jeremy said in our 20 week ultrasound update, everything went wonderful at our ultrasound! I could have sat there watching them all day!

I am so thankful for the two miracles that God has placed in our care! We will forever treasure and protect His children! We know that they belong to Him and he has lent them to us for this short time on Earth! We will do our best to raise them with a love for the Lord and for others. We sure are going to need the Lord's help and I pray he guides and directs everything we do! Last year the first thing on my Christmas list was a baby! No lie! haha! I don't know why, but I had started to prepare myself for the fact that it might not would ever happen though. It was the number one thing I desired, but in my head it was kind of a joke too. I knew the huge amount of money it was going to take to just ATTEMPT to get pregnant, it just seemed so unattainable. In my wildest dreams I never would have imagined that Christmas this year I would be almost 23 weeks pregnant with not one... but two beautiful babies! When God pours out a blessing He always exceeds anything I ever could have hoped or dreamed for! Double the blessing as we say! :) God is good... and I am just thankful!!

Jeremy's List:

This week I'm thankful for ultrasounds! We have been really spoiled and have gotten to see our two little munchkins a lot. More than with an ordinary pregnancy. We will get to see them a lot more too since we're having twins. I can't imagine not being able to see them. Back in the old days before ultrasound technology you had to wait all 9 months before ever seeing your baby! I know that's all people knew so they didn't know what they were missing, but I do and they really missed out! :)

I'm thankful our twins cooperated for the ultrasound technician. As I mentioned earlier this week, the tech had no problem telling what they were and I'm thankful she could see! Kind of would have thrown a wrench in our whole gender reveal party idea if they hadn't cooperated. Lol!

I'm thankful that as of tomorrow around 7:30pm Monica and I will know if we are having boys, girls, or one of each! I am big time into planning. I plan EVERYTHING! I always have a plan! Which can be difficult sometimes when God's plan is different from what mine is. Guess you're gonna have that though. We will finally be able to start planning! We will be able to pick out names, plan a theme for the nursery, start buying outfits we like, and start actually working on the nursery! Right now it's a second bedroom with some baby stuff in it. Can't wait to get to work on it!

Finally, on a small note, I got some new shoes. I'm thankful for them. I like the brand Etnies. The shoes I have, I've had for 3 years. They're rough looking but are still comfortable and fit. I'm pretty tight with money and didn't want to spend money on a pair of shoes for myself. I found a pair online for $40 with free shipping! It's the little things that make life great! Thank you God for the little things!

So what are you thankful for this week eh?!

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