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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Running Schedule, Crab Ragoon & Pedicures

It's Thankful Thursday! That means another week has flown by! Time for another double header softball game. The weekend is almost here. The weeks seem to be getting shorter and shorter lately. Soon it'll be Christmas! Whoo-hoo!! So what are you thankful for this thursday? Could be something that happened this week. Could be something you realize you take for granted. Could be something that brings you joy! While you ponder your thankfulness, here's our lists.

Monica's List:

I'm thankful for Crab Rangoon! Yes, yes you read that right! The delicious Chinese sensation of creamy and crunchy!!! YUM!! If you haven't had it before.. you do not know what you are missing! If you've had it and didn't like it, all I can say is.... something is just wrong with you! ;) We don't treat ourselves to Chinese too often because we have an eating out budget and it's not the most healthy eating option. When we do get it though, crab ragoon always hits the spot! MMM!!

I am thankful for my job! I just got my next raise and it was a whole $1 an hour raise! :) May not seem like much to some... but I am thankful for it nonetheless! Every little bit helps in this household!

I am also thankful for pedicures! Another thing I don't treat myself to often (I've had about 4 in my lifetime)... but when I do I really appreciate it! Technically my friend Kristy treated me to this one, so I am also very thankful for a friend who likes to do sweet things for me! I appreciate it so much!!! Thank you again Kristy! I love you!!! (I especially love getting them with Kristy! Not only for the good company but because I get to watch her giggle as they scrub the bottom of her feet, haha... HILARIOUS!)

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for a running schedule this week. A fellow co-worker of mine is big into running and so is her boyfriend. He is a hardcore marathon runner. They guy (we'll call him "Speedy") can run a marathon (26.2 miles) in 2 hours and 40 minutes! That's just over a 6 minute/mile pace! That's insanity!

"Speedy" offered to make me a running schedule for a 5K that I have coming up in late October to benefit people who have had lung transplants. My goal for this 5K is under 27 minutes. I'd like to make it in 25, but we shall see. My fastest so far is 29:33.

I'm thankful for "Speedy" and his kindness to make me a schedule. I can't wait to start hitting the pavement and train for this run, which will also help move some mucous!


  1. I am thankful for all that I have learned in 84 this week ;) I had great teachers. What is this 5K you are talking about?! I used to love running them and would really like to help the cause. Remind me to ask you more when I see you at work!

    1. Sofia! The 5K is on October 20th in Forest Park. It's right next to Barnes. The link for the run is Theer's several people from work who will be there too!

  2. You guys sure have some great lives. Love it!!
