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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Running Experiences & New friends

It's Thankful Thursday time again! Another week down in the history books of this thing called life! Seems that lately our life timeline has been full on a week-to-week basis. That's a good thing though, it means more awesome life experiences! As usual, there are a lot of things to be thankful for! Monica may or may not get to add to this post. Poor wifey has had several cakes she's doing this month, which means she spends most of her evenings (especially Thursday and Friday) working on the cakes. This week it's a cake that looks like a 1930's/40's Chevy. It's coming together awesome! We'll definitely post some pics after she delivers and the customer sees it first. :) I won't make you wait any longer for the meat of this post though. Here's what I'm thankful for!

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for running experiences. Well, life experiences really, but one happened today while a buddy and I were running at a nearby park. Evidently there were severe thunderstorm warnings out for my area and the makings for tornadoes. The sky didn't look too shabby so my buddy and I decided to run anyways. The path is a 5.1 mile loop. Needless to say we didn't make it the whole way, haha! The further we got down the path, the sketchier the sky looked!

We finally decided to turn back when the clouds above us started in a circular pattern. The path outlines a field as well. There a are a few spots where you run through the woods, but most is right out in the open. Not good when lightning is present. It was pretty crazy watching the clouds sweeping over our heads. There were light spots, dark spots, all kinds of different kinds of clouds, and it was really pretty actually! Nature is just plain cool sometimes!

I'm also thankful for new friends. A little while ago I met a guy from work and have been talking to him quite a bit. We share similar interests, fishing and God, and get to talk a lot about the two. After several failed attempts to fish together, we made it out with my bro-in-law, best bud, and another buddy. We went night fishing! We started about 8:00pm and fished until 1:30am. We would have stayed all night but both had to be somewhere Saturday afternoon. We built a nice bonfire and were fishing right on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River! It was awesome! It's cool fishing at night, looking at the stars, hearing the crackling of the fire, feeling the warmth coming from the fire, chatting it up with some good pals, listening for the pole bells to start ding-a-ling-a-ringing!

It was a successful trip. My new pal caught a big flathead! Looking forward to many more fishing trips and good talks about life and God!

So what are you thankful for this week?!


  1. Holy cow that fish is huge!! Sounds like a great time.

    Keep up that running!!!

    1. It was ginormous! Biggest fish I've ever seen! You should come sometime, lol! I definitely will. I can already tell how much better I feel from doing it consistently.
