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Friday, September 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Dad, Sis & Warm Showers

It's Thankful Thursday Tiiiiime! It's Thankful Thursday Tiiiiiime! I typed that while humming a tune to the typing, lol! What are you thankful for?! There's tons to be thankful for! Whether it's simply to be alive, have a roof over your head, food on the table.... even if you have only your life that's still a pretty big one to be thankful for! Here we go, our lists!

Monica's List:

I'm thankful for warm showers! We are so spoiled in this nation and take for granted little everyday things that would be a luxury for some people. We have clean hot and cold water at our fingertips all the time. I haven't been feeling top notch lately. I'm not sure if it's allergies or if I am coming down with a cold, but my eyes are itchy and bloodshot, I'm chilling, my nose has been running, and I have a nice little phlegmy cough (Yuck, I know!) If I stop what I am doing, take a nice warm shower, and just let the water run over my face, no matter what I feel better than I did beforehand! It is blessing that I am thankful for!

Last thankful Thursday I mentioned I was thankful for almonds. I am thankful for healthy snack options throughout the day. Not only have I still been munching on the almonds, but I've also been munching on frosted mini wheat cereal dry. It really hits the spot and settles my tummy! Yum!!!

I'm thankful for our running trail. I know we mention it a lot... so maybe that shows how much we like it!? :) When we were there one evening this week, we saw 9 deer total! It was so neat! They were just hopping along in the field right next to the trail like we weren't even bothering them. At one point it was like they were keeping pace with me just curious about us. We got to watch them for about 15 minutes of our run. We both really enjoyed that! There was even some tiny little baby ones, SO CUTE! I love getting out in the fresh air and seeing wildlife!

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for my dad! My pops! ¡Mi papi! and my sister. :) They are both awesome family members! My dad has been such a great example as to how a man of God should live his life! He depends on the Lord for everything and has taught me to do the same. Growing up hearing that he ate lunch often by himself in his truck reading his Bible while he ate, to watching him lead song service and sing specials, to seeing him teach sunday school and children's church. My dad has always put God first and I'm thankful for that!

He's been through some rough times too. He was laid off a lot growing up, but always worked hard to provide for us. He was in 2 bad work accidents. He was knocked off a ladder, breaking his arm and tearing his ACL, MCL, and patella tendon in his right knee. Put him out of commission for almost 9 months if I remember right. Then not long after returning a 2 story scaffolding collapsed and threw him through a window. Well partly... he was hanging from a piece of glass that was stuck in his bicep. He sliced the ulnar nerve in his right arm and barely missed the artery.  He currently only has, I believe, 30% use of his right hand. Yet he has not let any of that slow him down or discourage him. He has always put his faith and trust in God, and it has always paid off.

After all that he still works. He's taught me to be a hard worker. Never stop until the job is done, and if you're going to do it, do it right the first time!  So glad I've learned these things. My dad is awesome!

My sister.... well she's alright. Haha, no my sister is great! She has always been very supportive of everything I've done. She's not one that enjoys being around teenagers but would endure the torture and help me when I was a youth pastor years ago. My sister is tender hearted and very sweet. She tries to play tough but doesn't fool anybody! :) This week it was her birthday as well! She was born the day before my dad. He always says she was his birthday present. I always said I would have taken her back! Bu dum dum Pish! You knew it was coming!

I'm thankful for my dad and sister this week! What are you thankful for?!?!!?!?!

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