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Friday, June 15, 2012

Thankful Thursdays: Vacations, friends, and hubby

Hey hey hey! It's Thaaaaaaaaankful Thursday! Today we're gonna share the things we are thankful for. Are you thankful for anything? I'll bet you are! Share it with us by leaving a comment won't ya! And now..... heeeeeeeeeere's our list!!! :) (gotta have fun with things sometimes, if only you could here me saying this as I was typing. You'd be on the floor! haha)

Jeremy's list:

I am thankful for vacations! Who isn't right? I know, sounds kind of silly to be thankful for something as obvious as a vacation. Here's why I say that. Of course going on a vacation is awesome, because of the opportunity to see the world and get away from work and the everyday stuff (mowing grass, dishes, household stuff). I look forward to time with my wife, family and friends. Vacations are a time to bond with your spouse, your family and friends. Life gets busy, so when you take the busy out and have fun for a week or however long, you can enjoy the company of those you're with! I find that on vacation I am very lovey dovey, and wanting to cuddle and be close to my wife the entire time! It seems we get so little time to just be with each other without any other worries, it's nice to get to focus on each other.

I also love vacations for the relaxation aspect! :) I find that sometimes, the day to day routine can get to me and I get run down. I'll have to take a day off work every so often to "catch up" if you will. Vacations are so worry free (most of the time)! I'm also thankful for the opportunity to vacation. God has blessed my wife and I and our parents. I grew up with the privelege of vacationing. My dad never went on vacations, so he worked extremely hard, pulling 5-6 days a week 10-12 hour days so they could take us places. I'm extremely thankful for that and that my wife and I have been able to vacation, which wouldn't be near as possible without our parents! When we vacation with our parents they tend to pay for quite a bit! :)

I'm saying this because we leave for Florida soon! Whoo-hoo! :) We're really looking forward to it! Hoping to do some deep sea fishing, revisit the place where Monica and I got engaged (Fort Desoto beach) and do lots and lots of swimming and soaking up rays! Maybe I'll do my first video post from the beach! So really? what are you thankful for?

Monica's list:

I am thankful for friends! We don't have a million friends, but the friends we have we are very close to.... I would rather have it that way anyday! A big shout out to our best buddies (You know who you are)! Thank you for all of your support, love, loyalty, fellowship... and most of all your friendship! We love you ALL so much and pray for you often!!!

I am thankful that my hubby is such a good helpmate, he is folding laundry as I type this. :) It seems like every thankful Thursday I write something about him and how good he is to me, but I can't help it! God created him with me in mind and made him my perfect complement! I couldn't ask for a better best friend! He makes me laugh like noone else, more sappy than I ever thought I would be, giddy like a kid, and still gives me butterflies when he catches my eye from across the room. Oh and just fyi sweetie, when you winked at me walking down the aisle at Josh's wedding.... I felt like a 16 year old girl again and so special! He winked at me, he winked at me!! HAHA!! I could have busted out to Katy Perry's  "Teenage Dream" right there! ;) I love you!

I am thankful that Jeremy and I grew up in families that vacationed at least a couple times a year. It is something that was important to our parents when raising us, and it has become important to us as well. We LOVE to vacation!! Memories are more precious to us than any amount of money! I can't wait to have some kiddos to take disneyworld and lots of other fun places!! :)

What about you? What are you thankful for?


  1. The two of you, & God's many blessing to be able to have you with us! Nuff said!

    1. Well thank you very much Anonymous comment leaver! I appreciate that very much!!! :)
