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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Gravy, Frozen pizza and Cake, Understanding Hubby, Dishwasher

Well it's Thankful Thursday again! Another week gone by! There's so many things we can be thankful for everyday, and I love taking the time to think about all that I have to be thankful for. Every day I could write how thankful I am for my wife, our home, my family and friends, our health, and many other things, but I enjoy thinking of things that I take for granted or don't notice on a daily basis. This being said, here's my list:

I'm thankful for a simple taste palate. Or as Monica would say an unsophisticated palate. I work 5 days a week, which means I eat lunch at work 5 days a week. I am terrible about bringing my lunch and Monica and I usually don't have many leftovers to take. So I eat hospital cafeteria food every day. My usual is a cheeseburger and chicken strips with some A1 sauce and hot sauce for dipping the chicken strips in. Making you hungry? I am! Recently I have started to get a little tired of them, but because of my "unsophisticated" palate I can continue to plug away getting a cheeseburger and chicken strips every day for lunch. I used to get nachos with beef, cheese and jalapenos! They stopped getting the awesome nacho cheese and substituted the powder & water cheese, which is extremely sub par. I can generally eat the same things all the time. When I find something I like, I like it! For a while we had stir-fry once a week for months. I call it stir-fry, but really it's white rice with chicken that's been sauteed in soy sauce and seasoned with salt and pepper. I add lots of soy sauce to it after putting it on my rice and it's AMAZING!! Monica was done with it after the 3rd week. :) It frustrates my wife sometimes, because she likes to try new things and eat different meals, but I like it nice and simple! I'm thankful for that!

I'm thankful for sauce and gravy! See now I'm hungry and thinking about food. I really want some stir-fry now too! I love me some gravy! Brown gravy is the best. Gravy makes anything taste great. Take chopped steak for instance. What is chopped steak? A hamburger with some seasoning and what else? GRAVY! Oh yea, the gravy makes it. It's on menus across America because we Americans love our gravy! I'm so thankful for sauce too! Without A1 and hot sauce, I would not be able to eat the chicken strips everyday I mentioned above. Soy sauce is awesome as well! What would stir-fry or fried rice be without soy sauce? I'll tell ya, BLAND. It would have little to no taste. The soy sauce makes it!  Yes sir, I love my sauces and gravy!

Lastly I'm thankful for frozen pizzas. I love pizza! Pepperoni is it for me, but I love it. Take out pizza can get very expensive and making your own takes a decent amount of time. With our convection oven, I can cook a pizza from frozen to slightly overcooked (the way I like it, with a dark golden brown crust and all golden brown cheese) in roughly 15 minutes. That's without preheating the oven! Frozen pizzas are an invention of genius. I usually eat 2-3 a week. Every day I am off, that's my lunch, a frozen pepperoni Tombstone, Mama Lucia's, or Jack's pizza. So what are you thankful for this Thankful Thursday?! Here's the wifey's list!

Monica's List:

I am thankful for opportunities! I have the opportunity to make our good friend Josh and his lovely wife-to-be Brittany's wedding cake this week and I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity! Thanks guys!! Congratulations! We are so happy for you!

I am thankful for my husband! (Sigh) ....he really is just wonderful!!! ;) When I have a big cake there is a good chance I will spend upwards of 25-30 hours on it. Add to that a 35 hour work week... and I don't have a lot of extra time on my hands. My hubby is always so helpful and understanding! He knows that he will not get home cooked meals that week and that my attention will be elsewhere from anything susie homemaker. But he doesn't complain! The sweetest words to come out of his mouth today were, "I was thinking I would go get Southside Wok tonight for dinner? Sound ok?" Ahhh, music to my ears! Yes!! And just fyi, it was amazing! Wow, we are really on a food kick today huh?! He's told me, "I miss you!" about 4 times already this week, even though we were in the same room. (Breaks your heart doesn't it? ) When I'm busy with a cake my attention is just so fixed on it and not much else. Thank you for being so understanding sweetie! I couldn't ask for a better partner in this crazy, awesome life of ours!! I LOVE YOU! Forever and ever babe!

Lastly I am also thankful for our dishwasher! ;) We actually joke that it saved our marriage.... Joking!! HA! But it was one of the few things we fought about when we first got married. We didn't have a dishwasher yet and we both hated dishes, so it was good for us when we got it! Doing a 5 tier cake you are bound to have a ton of dishes.... all I can think is, "Thank you God for my dishwasher!!"

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