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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Well as I mentioned in my previous post, we want to start doing Thankful Thursdays. Ronnie and Mandi at runsickboyrun do a post every thursday where they each say a few things they are thankful for. I love it and look forward to reading the things they are thankful for! Like them, Monica and I agree that there's ALWAYS something to be thankful for! So anywho, here's my list:

I'm thankful for my health! That may sound weird to some, but I really am. I see so many people at the hospital (where I work) everyday that have so many various health problems going on, that it makes me thankful for my health! I have complete use of my arms and legs, I'm thankful for that! I can talk and don't have a tracheostomy (a hole in your throat to breathe through)! I'm just thankful that I am in good health, able to exercise and live my life to the fullest!

I'm thankful for sunny, hot days! I really dislike the cold, I'd be ok with 2 or 3 weeks of snow and cold weather a year, and then back to the 80's and sunny! I don't mind sweating at all. My blazer has no AC, so when it gets hot..... I sweat! lol! It seems all my vehicles have lost their AC at some point despite efforts to fix it. So I just accept it, and sweat! To me sweating comes with sunny days, and I love sunny days so much that I almost love to sweat! Haha, I'm saying sweat a lot, I know. Sunny days put you in such a good mood and seem to give you extra energy, which in turn gives me more motivation to GET MOVING as Ronnie says and exercise! Spring and Summer are my favorite seasons and I look forward to them every year, no matter how hot it gets!

Lastly I'm thankful for opportunities. I was given the privilege of speaking at the Missouri Society for Respiratory Care state conference about living life with CF to RT's from all over! It went phenomenally well! I met some amazing people, and reconnected with a close friend, G.W.! He is one of those RT's that I talk about in my presentation. He truly cared about my health and whether I was taking care of myself and really pushed me and motivated me to take better care of myself. He always watched out for me and has ever since! I guess that's another thing I'm thankful for..... people who care! It seems I'm surrounded by them and I feel tremendously blessed! Going back to the presentation, I've had offers to speak at another conference, have my presentation published, and give 2 presentations to groups of kids! When God opens doors, He opens doors! :) The presentation will be at the bottom after Monica's Thankful Thursday list if you care to watch it!

Monica's List:

I'm thankful for cake... yes, you read that right C.A.K.E.... CAKE!!!! It comes to my mind because I stopped trimming and undercoating the cake I'm working on, to write this. Fancy that! ;-) Seriously though, I LOVE what I do!! Ever since I can remember my dream job was to be a cake decorator! For those of you who do not know, I am a baker and cake decorator. I am so thankful that I am able to do what I love! I know many people who wouldn't be able to say that... so I know it's a blessing! I am thankful for my job! I work at Costco as a baker and do specialty cakes on the side. I work with some awesome people and have a great schedule! I actually look forward to going to work most of the time! I just can't complain!! I am thankful for actual cake though, I don't eat it very much (You're probably thinking, "Yeah right!!"), but when I do I am thankful that it tastes SO GOOD!!! Thank you God for cake! MMMMM....Who wants cake now?!

I am thankful for our mini vacation to the Ozarks for Jeremy's presentation! We actually had a lot of down time together and I treasured every minute of it! Life can get so busy and it's easy to get distracted by all the things that have to get done. It was nice to slow down and spend quality time together, just the two of us! I am thankful for my hubby! To say he made me proud when he gave his presentation would be the biggest understatement of the year! He is a Wonderful man! He has fixed dinner twice this week, for me, while I've been busy working on my cake. I am very appreciative of such a good helpmate and a man who isn't lost in the kitchen!

I am thankful for God's word, the Bible. It has become so precious to me! God never ceases to amaze me! He continues to reveal Himself to me through His word, and I am so thankful for that! I never put it down without feeling he poured something back into me! I am thankful that we have a personal God who cares about our every need... and want! He has blessed me more than I could ever explain! I could go on... and on... and on... of the things I am thankful for and the blessings He has placed on my life. But I will stop there, until next thankful Thursday! What are you thankful for?!

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