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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Running spots, fishing and momma

It's Thursday, which means it's time for our second rendition of Thankful Thursday! I know we missed last, and I feel terrible about it. We had a very busy week where there was something going on every night of the week, and it completely slipped our minds, until I was doing my last Cayston treatment around 10:30. So now that I'm finished with my excuses, let's get back to being thankful! Here's my list:

I'm thankful for nearby places to run! Since about February Monica and I have started running on a regular basis. Which makes me very anxious/excited for my next clinic appointment. My appointment just happens to be this Monday, May 21st. I'm really hoping my PFT's are up! Last visit was after 2 weeks of IV antibiotics and my FEV1 went from 62% (down from 70% 3 months prior) before IVs to 60% after 2 weeks of IVs. So I'm hoping with the addition of all this running, they will be back up! As I was running at a park nearby our house, Cliff Cave Park, I was thinking about how happy I was that we have such a nice park close by where we can run. It's a 5 mile loop, all paved, half of which is in the sun (so you can get your tan on) and half that winds through the trees. It's really nice and we love to run there. Sometimes you'll get lucky enough to see deer playing and eating, even though it's in the middle of the county. It's also right next to the Mississippi river, which presents a fishing opportunity and it has several hiking and biking trails through the surrounding woods. It gives a nice place to go run, and it's only 5-10 minutes from our house. With it being so close, it's much easier to get motivated to run and especially when it's so nice. On those lazy days where I feel like 5 miles would suck all the life out of me, I run the road by our house. We're right at the entrance to our subdivision and the main road outside the subdivision is an outer road to the highway, it has pretty minimum traffic one way and VERY wide shoulders. We always have a place close by to run, which is great! I'm very thankful for that!

I'm thankful for fishing! Fishing is something as a kid I didn't like to do. My dad and uncle would put a bobber, hook and worm on  our poles and we would sit. And sit some more.......... and still sit....... for what felt like HOURS! All with no success. Growing up I never understood why people would fish. My brother-in-law, Ricky, who was a buddy long before he became my bro-in-law, has always been into fishing. The first year after Monica and I got married, we went on the annual family trip to the lake. Ricky convinced me to get a pole and fish with him there. He said everybody fished and I would wish I had one if I didn't. So I got one, and we went fishing. Since then I'm hooked! Hahaha, get it, hooked! :) I really enjoy it. Ricky says it's because I'm getting older and appreciate things more. He could be right. I like how relaxing it can be. Being in nature is awesome to begin with and I love water. I always end up "swimming" when I fish, retrieving a snagged line, and usually lose a lure. Second to last time I went I broke my reel. BUT, I enjoy it nonetheless and am thankful I discovered it. What do you have to be thankful for?! I know there's something so let us hear it!

Monica's List:

On the heels of Mother's Day, I am thankful for my mom!! If there's one person that I've never had to doubt loves me, it would be my momma. I could never express how much she's impacted me and done for me! I would say my mother is a very strong woman! Strong in her faith in God, strong in her providing for our family, strong in her will, strong in her control of her emotions. I can honestly say I've never seen my mom completely lose it! That can't be said for a lot of women! It seems like nowadays there are many women who are still actually little girls... like they never got to that point where they grew up and become a woman/lady and put their childish ways behind them. I know many women who fly by the seat of their pants and blurt out every little thing that comes to their mind, like they have no filter or discretion (and then later blame it on pms or who knows what else?) My mom IS NOT one of those women! She taught me by her example, to love God first, to be generous and faithful with what God gives you, to love people, and so much more! For that I am so thankful! Proverbs 31:25 describes a wife of noble character saying, "She is clothed in strength and dignity...". I pray God make me like that! A strong Woman of God! Seeing how strong a mother's love is just fuels the desire in my heart to be a mother that much more and I can't wait to see what God has in store!

 I love you Mom!!! I could never say thank you enough!!!

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