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Saturday, April 21, 2012


Does anybody ever feel like they have days where they are just surrounded by negative things? Well, I do. It just seemed like today at work, everywhere I turned people were telling me all kinds of negative stuff, just complaining about other people and carrying on about things that annoy them. I find myself getting caught up in it at times and going along with the conversations. Then later I feel bad for being a complainer. I hate complaining by the way. :) I just feel that there are way too many things to be thankful for, than to spend time focusing on negative things or simply just being a whiner/complainer. Today was one of those days. Everybody I talked to had something to complain about. At the end of the day I found myself in not the best mood, even though my day at work went really well, and we have plans to hang out with our awesome friends tonight! It was as if the negative rubbed off on me. haha! I was just thinking of all the things I'm thankful for!

I'm thankful first and foremost for my relationship with Jesus! It has completely changed my life. I grew up in church, but when I truly gave my heart to God and developed a relationship with Him it has changed my life!  I'm thankful for the amazing wife I've been blessed with! Monica is so good to me! It's an unbelievable feeling to know that you're loved! I know my family loves me, but for someone who is not related to you to come along and love you for you.... it's awesome! I love her more than I ever thought I could love someone. I'm thankful for my family. My parents made so many sacrifices for my sister and I and my extended family as well. They have given us the best life! They are two of the most selfless people I know! They are extremely supportive and give of themselves to everyone they meet who has a need. I'm thankful for my health! My FEV1 last visit was 60%. It went down 2 percentage points after 2 weeks of IV's. Stumped me along with my CF team. I felt better so we rode it out. I've been doing my part staying on top of treatments and exercising and have been feeling really good lately! I'm thankful for that, my PFT's could be much worse.

I could keep going, but I don't want to bore anyone. My buddy Ronnie does a thing called Thankful Thursday where every week him and his wife say a thing or two they are thankful for. I really like it! We may just have to start that on our blog too! There's ALWAYS something to be thankful for! What are you thankful for?

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