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Friday, April 6, 2012

Just Do It

On the heels of my hubby's post on exercise, I figured I would add my two cents and make my first post on our blog! :)

     I will start off with saying I am so very proud of my hubby! He motivates me every day! He motivates me to never take a day, or a single breath, for granted! It AMAZES me when we pray together and Jeremy will pray, "... and thank you Lord for our health, for keeping your hand on us, and keeping us from sickness." Maybe it's just me, but to hear my hubby (who has a chronic disease with which he battles daily) say, "Thank you Lord for our health", I can't help but think, "WOW, God you gave me a Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful man! Would I be able to pray that if I had Cystic Fibrosis?!" I know people who could complain every day over an ugly toe... random I know... that's the first silly thing someone could complain about that came to mind. :) You get what I'm trying to say though right?!

    Anywho... on to the real reason for this post. Exercise. I labeled this post "Just Do It". I did that... this may sound so silly... because I am so motivated by Nike's slogan "Just Do It". Whoever coined that phrase is a genius!!! :) Just three simple words, but to me they say so much! When I see it posted somewhere what it really says to me is, "Quit making excuses.. and "Just Do It!!!!" I feel the absolute NEED to work out! Not only for myself and my health, but for Jeremy as well! Anytime I work out, he is motivated to work out... and vice versa. And he HAS to work out for his health. I want that boy around as long as possible... and I know all of you do too! :)

    A couple of months ago Jeremy and I began jogging a 5 mile trail by our house. I don't think we had a clue what we were getting ourselves into the first time we did it, Jeremy commented, "Are you sure this is only 5 miles? It seems so long!" I told him, "My goal is to someday do this all the way through without stopping!" From the shape I was in I thought it'd take years before that could ever happen! I snicker to myself thinking about that first jog. It took us 1 hour and 13 minutes. Not too great...I know... probably because we walked more of it than we jogged! :) I proceeded to do it in an hour, then 50 minutes, and today I did it for the first time in 45 minutes! I've continued jogging it every week since then, 2-3 times a week. I've also recently started going to a Zumba class once a week. My whole point is, we had to start somewhere. We got off the couch, MADE THE TIME, and just did it! Still a work in progress, definitely, but we can do more than we could the first time we did it!

    When I first started running the trail regularly I had to stop at least once a mile to walk and catch my breath, I then got to where I was able to go halfway (2.5 miles) without stopping, then 3/4 of the way, and today I made up my mind I was doing the whole thing without stopping once... I got halfway and thought, "Oh yeah I've got this! I can do this! I just have to do that again." ... fast forward to the 4 mile mark and I wasn't so sure, my legs felt like jelly and I thought, "Ok, not today, I'll just do it next time maybe?! I've got to stop or I'm gonna die!" (I know a bit exaggerated).....and right when I was about to give in and start walking the song (Fireflight "Stronger than you think") started playing on my ipod, and a man who had to be almost 60 buzzed passed me running like it was nobody's business. It was like God said, "Uh uh, today you're doing it! If he can do this, you can do this! You are stronger than you think!" And guess what?!..............I DID IT! I ran 5 miles nonstop in 45 minutes! I was so Excited when I got done! People at the park probably thought I was crazy walking around by myself grinning from ear to ear! Got some fitness goals that you don't know if you'll ever acheive? The first step is getting up and starting... you won't regret it! So lets quit making excuses... and "JUST DO IT!"

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