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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

We're Still Here!

It's been a loooong time since we've posted anything. We're still here and doing well! A lot has been going on in the Parks household lately. It's been a busy year so far. We decided sometime at the tail end of last year we were going to try and sell our house and move. After learning that we were pregnant with our third boy, we realized we were going to outgrow our current home. We could make it work, but it would be tight. We prayed about it and feel we're at a good point in our lives to move. I was hospitalized a few weeks ago for a tune-up after I blew an all-time low FEV1 of 46%. I fought colds off and on since the beginning of the year and we tried a couple rounds of cipro but they didn't do the trick. My FEV1 is back up to 58%, my supposed new baseline (I don't buy it) and I'm feeling great lung wise.

I've been battling some extremely painful knee problems. An orthopedic surgeon diagnosed it as patellofemoral chondrosis. Basically the tendons holding my quads to my knee cap are very loose, stretched out and weak. I've been doing physical therapy for 2 weeks now and see a small improvement. My exercise regimen is on hold for the time being until we get my knees sorted out. It's beyond frustrating to have my lungs in good shape but not be able to capitalize on the opportunity to kick some butt exercising to try and gain more ground with my lung function. This too shall pass. Taking it one week at a time and trusting PT will do the trick. My physical therapists are awesome! One seems to be pretty knowledgeable about CF (surprising and awesome) and has told me repeatedly how amazing and inspiring I am to be doing so well and look so good. I think she may have been hitting on me, but you know....  I'm used to it. ;) Totally kidding by the way.

Monica's pregnancy is going GREAT! This little booger is a mover!! He moves constantly! I'm a little worried we're going to have a Tasmanian devil on our hands when he's born. I forgot how amazing it is to see him move and feel it. It's so incredible feeling your child move around in the womb. She's due July 25th. Her OB is going to let her try for a natural delivery, which Monica's very excited about. We have a c-section scheduled for July 28th, if he hasn't come by then. They will not induce her so he either has to come on his own or they're going in after him.

The boys turned 2 in April. We had a party for them at a local park. We've taken them to some pretty cool places.

Right now things are extremely chaotic. There's always some kind of family function going on, or get together or something we want/need to go to. In the midst of trying to pack up the house and get work done to get it ready to sell (there's a lot of work to do). We were really hoping to already have it listed. That obviously didn't happen. At this point we're hoping to have it on the market at the end of the month at the latest! There's just a lot of work, and with working 5 days a week that doesn't leave much time for doing things. A lot of the work I don't have the know-how to do, so I am having to rely on others to help, and it's a very busy time of the year for everyone. So we shall see.

Here's a few pics of what the boys have been up to lately. Starting off with a photo form when I was admitted when they were 6 months old to a few weeks ago. They've grown so much!!

The boys came and visited me on my birthday at work!

"Driving" the 4-wheeler with Papa.

Had to have "Socks on" with his sandals

First time with their own drinks from a restaurant instead of sippy cups.

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