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Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Recap 2015

The boys had a great Easter with a lot of awesome family time!

We started off our Easter festivities dying eggs on Thursday with my parents. On Friday we had a special Good Friday service. It was the first time our church had ever done one, and most of us had never been to one. It was a really, really good service! God's spirit was moving and it was a very sobering time to recap what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Sunday our church did it's annual Easter Sunday sunrise service at 6:45am. We got there around 7:15 after waking the poor boys around 6:15. We had our breakfast and then a special Easter Sunday service celebrating the resurrection! It was a great service as well. What little Monica and I got to enjoy. I'll remind you we woke the boys very early, lol.

We ate an Easter lunch at my parents and did an Easter egg hunt, then went to the in-laws for dinner and another Easter egg hunt. The boys had a great time at both places! Jace was way more into hunting the eggs. Jeriah just wanted to stomp on them. Jace did have to look in each egg before placing it in his basket, lol. It was a great, very looong day!

Also, Monica hit the 24 week prego mark! So far so good! We have yet to come up with a cute announcement to announce the sex. I guess I can go ahead and spill the beans for those who don't follow us on the ol Facebook. It's a BOY!!! We're very excited to have another boy! There was a little disappointment that we will never have a darling girl, but God has a perfect plan for everything! His plan for us is to be the parents of all boys, lol!

Here's a photo recap of our weekend!

We had to use bubbles to get them to sit still and smile


Jace wasn't thrilled

Stomping eggs

Working it and showing off the baby bump!

Gross goldfish drool

Jace got some air!!

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