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Friday, December 6, 2013

Going for a drive

Monica and I got our van fixed and it's running like a champ! Whoo-hoo! But that's not the drive I was talking about. The boys went for a little drive through the mall last night. Monica and I were supposed to take a weekend trip out of town, but with the bad weather we were forced to cancel our trip. Since we had the evening to ourselves with no plans, we went Christmas shopping. We were able to get a decent amount of it done!

The best part of our shopping expedition was watching the boys in the mall rental stroller. My parents have ours with them in Branson (where we were heading). So we rented one from the mall. It made us both a little nervous, because it was probably germ infested. However, they seemed to love it and we were cracking up laughing at the two of them!

Here's some pictures and video of their drive through the mall.



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