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Monday, December 9, 2013

7 Month Photography Session

We had our photography session with our photographer Cindy a couple weeks ago. We wanted to do them around 6 months, but the boys weren't sitting up the greatest so we waited. As usual the pictures turned out amazing! We love Cindy and the work she does!

The boys weren't their usual smiley selves in most of the pictures. There's a lot of seriousness going on. I think they were practicing for when they're in Hollywood someday. That or there was a lot to look at. :) Cindy always takes bunches of photos, so we'll post some of our favorites! Enjoy!

His regal pose

Puppy dog eyes

His "trick," loves it and has been doing it since he was 3-4 months old


  1. Oh my gosh, these are adorable! Model family!

  2. After seeing this, I'm beginning to wonder if miracle babies are the cutest... :)
