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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Productive Days, Fun in the Future & Exciting News

It's Thankful Thursday! Another week has passed us by. In our case several have passed by since we did a Thankful Thursday post. There's always so much to be thankful for! Life gets busy and it's easy to overlook all the blessings we are surrounded by! Here's our Thankful Thursday Lists:

What are you thankful for?!

Monica's List:

To be written later this evening...

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for productive days off. Working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day and doing 2+ hours of treatments every day doesn't leave a whole lot of time to accomplish little things that need to be done. Running to the bank, getting groceries, mowing grass, raking leaves, hanging Christmas lights.... all these things need to be done. I'm thankful for days off, when I can get stuff done! After having a very productive day, I feel really good! I'm thankful I get at least one day a week I can cross stuff off my to do list! :)  (I actually do make lists. Monica teases me about it, but I can keep track of what needs to be done, AND it feels good to cross it off, lol!)

I'm thankful we have a lot of fun things to look forward to in the coming weeks! We have an Ugly Sweater Party this Friday. We're going to eat with my family at a place called the Old Spaghetti Factory in downtown St. Louis this weekend. Next Thursday I have a bachelor party to go to (we keep ours clean, I'm excited about it because we have fun goofing around, lol). I have an exciting lunch meeting with some folks from the CFF next Friday. A wedding Saturday and the following week is Christmas!!! That's a whole lot of fun packed into a couple weeks!

I received some exciting news this week! I got overly excited and like the goofball I am posted a facebook status about how excited I was without naming the source of my excitement, lol (run-on sentence). I absolutely did not think about the effects it would have on my family and friends, haha! I was thinking, you know, you see people post statuses like that, stating nothing at all, and nobody usually says much. I didn't think it would get the response it has! Hahaha! Monica says I should have known..... she's right. Truth is, I shouldn't have posted the status simply because I honestly don't know if I can share the details yet. I hastily posted a status out of sheer excitement! I hope I can share the news at some point! I will say that Monica and I are NOT pregnant, lol! I will also say it is related to my health. That is all I can say for now. It is something that I hope will cause my PFT's and overall health to make some pretty major improvements! I am ecstatic about the opportunity that has been placed before me!

Monday, December 9, 2013

7 Month Photography Session

We had our photography session with our photographer Cindy a couple weeks ago. We wanted to do them around 6 months, but the boys weren't sitting up the greatest so we waited. As usual the pictures turned out amazing! We love Cindy and the work she does!

The boys weren't their usual smiley selves in most of the pictures. There's a lot of seriousness going on. I think they were practicing for when they're in Hollywood someday. That or there was a lot to look at. :) Cindy always takes bunches of photos, so we'll post some of our favorites! Enjoy!

His regal pose

Puppy dog eyes

His "trick," loves it and has been doing it since he was 3-4 months old

Friday, December 6, 2013

Going for a drive

Monica and I got our van fixed and it's running like a champ! Whoo-hoo! But that's not the drive I was talking about. The boys went for a little drive through the mall last night. Monica and I were supposed to take a weekend trip out of town, but with the bad weather we were forced to cancel our trip. Since we had the evening to ourselves with no plans, we went Christmas shopping. We were able to get a decent amount of it done!

The best part of our shopping expedition was watching the boys in the mall rental stroller. My parents have ours with them in Branson (where we were heading). So we rented one from the mall. It made us both a little nervous, because it was probably germ infested. However, they seemed to love it and we were cracking up laughing at the two of them!

Here's some pictures and video of their drive through the mall.