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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Home & Open Late Pizza Places,

It's Thankful Thursday!!! Whoo-hoo! Another week in the history books. Monica and I like to take time to point out a few things we're thankful for. There's always something to be thankful for! This week contained a few crazy traveling days for myself, but it has been a good week! Monica has been busy with the boys, so I'll be going it alone again this week. That makes it sound like I don't help out, lol. I do I promise! Nursing twins every 3 hours takes a lot of her spare energy so she hasn't been up to doing a post lately. It has been getting a lot better. The boys are nursing quicker and their reflux hasn't been quite as bad the past few days. Now onto my list:

Jeremy's List:

This week I traveled to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania to talk about CF to some awesome RT's. I know, I had never heard of it either. :) The trip overall was a good one and the talk went very well! Getting there and back however, was a doozy. The trip reminded me of things to be thankful for though.

I'm thankful for pizza places that stay open late and deliver! By the time I got to my hotel Tuesday night, it was after 10pm. I left my house around 1:30 and hadn't eaten since. I was pretty rushed because of some delayed flights and what not. When I got to the hotel, I thought I was going to die of starvation (that statement is only slightly exaggerated). Room service was closed and all the other restaurants around were closed. I was thinking I was going to be eating a vending machine dinner, lol. Then I noticed on the TV stand an ad for Domino's. They were open until 3am! I called and within 15 minutes my pizza was at my hotel room door! It was GREAT! Usually I'm not a fan of Domino's but it tasted heavenly at the moment! AND the vending machine had Dr. Pepper! I was one happy fella with a dinner that made my night!

I'm thankful for safe flights. I got to my destination and home safe. It took quite a while, but I made it. My flights to Pennsylvania were delayed. On the way home, I dealt with delayed flights. I changed flights twice and finally made it to New Jersey to find out my flight home was cancelled. My only option then.... fly to Cleveland and spend the night. Obviously I took it, because it got me closer to home and away from the storms they said were headed northeast. When I got on my flight to Cleveland, (which changed gates a couple times and had us all running from place to place, lol) we sat in the plane on the tarmac for an hour and a half before taking off. Hahaha! Let me tell you, it was something! BUT, I made it to Cleveland safe and sound, found a Dunkin Donuts that was still open when we got there around 1am, and found a nice booth to sleep in.

I'm thankful I have a home! I was gone less than 48 hours, but it seemed like forever. It is always so nice to walk into your home. A place you can call your own. To quote Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like home!" It was a relief to walk through the doors and be greeted by my amazing wife and see my two perfect boys sleeping! It's good to be back, and it's a great feeling knowing I have a home to come back to!

So what are you thankful for?!?!

Here's a few highlight pics from my trip
Cool clouds on the flight to NJ

New York, from the plane I could see the new World Trade Center, all of
downtown and even see the Statue of Liberty off to the right.

Walking out on the tarmac to board the small plane to Wilkes-Barre

It had propellers!

The hotel left me a rubber ducky for bathtime! Haha!

FaceTime with Monica and the boys

My bed for the night, lol

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