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Friday, May 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Duck Dynasty & Getting out

Well it's that time of the week again! Thankful Thursday is upon us! Another week recorded in the history books! Our weeks seem to go by slow and fast all at the same time. Don't ask me how that works, but life with twins can seem to drag and fly at times. Whether it's going slow or whizzing by, life is still fantastic and we have so much to be thankful for! Monica and I still like to take time each week to make a (hopefully) short list of things we're thankful for. So here we have it folks... our lists:

Monica's List:

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for health! My past few doctors visits, my FEV1 has slowly been creeping upwards. This is great news! I've been feeling really good. I've only battled a cold once so far this year which is extremely rare. A couple years ago, I was hospitalized in January, got sick again in February and fought it until June or July when I was admitted again. It seemed I was always fighting something and needing to be on oral antibiotics every time I went to the clinic. After hearing about what my fibro Ronnie from has been going through it made me thankful for the health I've had here lately. We'll be praying for Ronnie that he bounces back quick!

I'm thankful for Duck Dynasty! I know it may sound silly to be thankful for, but on the nights when Jeriah is having tummy problems and can't sleep unless he's upright and being held, Duck Dynasty helps pass the time. It's also nice to have something to watch when there's nothing on TV. Monica and I don't have cable or satellite, just basic TV. Channels 2, 4, 5, 11, and 30. Plus it's just down right hilarious! I like that kind of comedy. Hey, listen here... hey, that's good stuff Jack!

I'm thankful for good babies! Monica and I have been able to get out of the house a decent amount with them. Once they're fed, burped and have clean butts they're good to go for another couple hours. We're surprised at how many people are shocked at the number of places we've taken them. I always said I wouldn't let us having kids keep us couped up in the house or stop traveling as much as possible! It helps that we have very good babies though, lol! We've taken them to Costco 2 or 3 times, O'Charleys restaurant, IHOP, the mall, all over the place! I'm thankful we've been able to get out of the house!

1 comment:

  1. WE are so happy for both you and Monica! Things seem to be going in the right direction for you. I love to hear that FEV1 is creeping up. Keeping doing what you are doing fibro. WE love duck dynasty in this house as well. But I wish i had an Uncle Si. He is great!!!
