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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Progress, Pinterest & Smooth pregnancy

Another week gone. forever recorded in the history books of time. It's Thursday, which means Monica and I will take some time to reflect on some things in our life that we are thankful for. I look forward to this part of our week, because I think it's good to take time to focus on good things in our lives and point out reasons we are blessed. There's always something to be thankful for! So what are you thankful for this week?

Monica's List:

I'm thankful for pinterest and new recipes! I am one of those people who gets sick of the same old food very fast. Sadly Jeremy isn't one of those people at all... haha! I love trying new things in the kitchen! Pinterest is such a nice little place to find new ideas/recipes, keep them organized, and make note of the things I tried and liked. I had a Peanut Butter Banana Oat smoothie this morning for breakfast and it was just Wonderful!! It was such a filling breakfast and there's almost 20 grams of protein in that sucker! Good for my growing boys! :) (The fat and calorie content is high because of the peanut butter, but I think the good I get out of it outweighs that) I am trying a new recipe tonight (Cheesy chicken spaghetti) for dinner and I really hope it turns out good! Definitely not healthy but Jeremy loves chicken, noodles, and cheesy things. Here's to hoping my picky hubby will like it! Since we have gotten together I have gotten him to start eating salad, grilled asparagus, fish, cut back on soda and have gotten him to like running... I'm trying! :)

I am thankful for a pregnancy that continues to be smooth and for the energy I still have! On days I don't work I have a really good amount of energy and feel like I get so much accomplished! Days I work it's not so high by the end of the day, but I think it could definitely be worse! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and everything is going just great! Our doctor couldn't be more happy and neither could we! Their little heart rates were strong at 145 and 143. My blood pressure was great and the tech told me the nicest thing I have heard since I have gotten pregnant! She said, "Your belly just looks so big to people because you are such a tiny person!" I was like, "What?! Oh my goodness?! Did someone just tell me that I am a tiny person while I'm 28 weeks pregnant with twins?!!" Bless her soul I wanted to hug the girl! haha! After hearing, "Oh my goodness, you're huge!!" every single day... it was so nice to hear! It's so crazy how fast time has gone! My ultrasounds and appointments will be every 2 weeks from now on and my doctor said by 34 weeks we will set a c-section date so we have the OR time set aside. If everything continues to go perfect and they stay head down we can try vaginally and it will still be easier to cancel the OR time then try to get it at the last minute. She fully expects me to go to 37 or 38 weeks! Wow, and people think I'm big now?! :)

Movement... ahh...I am so thankful for movement! I just love how much our little babies move! With two it seems like I am always feeling something! I count myself so blessed to be able to experience this! They are so worth every sacrifice we have made! Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you sweet babies!! We already love you more than words can describe and nothing you could ever do will change that! We can't wait to "meet" you and hold you in our arms!

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for progress. Tuesday night, Monica and I took around an hour and a half and went to work on our nursery. I got my closet (there are two small closets in the room and we each took one to use when we moved in) cleaned out and ready to use (it was packed). Monica's closet had been cleaned out for some time now and she already has an organizer put in with baby clothes hanging ready to go. We got the spare twin bed taken apart and moved downstairs. We made a lot of progress. We have around 7 bags of stuff to take to Goodwill! Mainly clothes but some other stuff as well. It's been a good excuse to reorganize the house and clean out things we haven't worn or used in years. I'm thankful for all the progress we've made. Now to paint! Here's some updated pics of our progress!

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