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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Cast iron skillet, Movement & Day Shifts

It's Thankful Thursday time again! Another week recorded in the history books. Seems like lately in the Parks household it's been go go go. It's nice to stop and take time every week and acknowledge things we're thankful for. Here we go, on with the lists! So what are you thankful for today?

Monica's List:

I am thankful for my new cast iron skillet. I've been wanting one for quite some time and my grandma got me one for Christmas. I used it for the first time tonight and made pork chops. It was really convenient to be able to brown the chops in the skillet and then just throw the whole thing in the oven to bake. It seems like things just taste better in cast iron. :)

I am thankful for energy. Yep, I've still got it! We are entering the third trimester and my body can tell. Thankfully I don't notice it too much, but certain things just wear me out a lot faster. I know that is only going to get worse the further along I get, so I am just thankful for the nice amount of energy I seem to still have. Maybe it's just me, but it seems I may be entering the "nesting stage?" I just want to have everything clean, organized, and ready for when my little boys get here!

I am thankful for movement! These little guys like to move!! Maybe they will be soccer players when they get older? lol! Baby B sure is getting his practice in with my ribs, but it's not bad at all! :) He is on my right and I notice as long as I don't lean to my right or lay on my right side too much it seems to help keep his little feetsies out of my ribs. I just love feeling them move throughout the day! I am so thankful for that!!!! Yesterday they were moving so hard I think I saw a knee and a little leg push against me! You could definitely see every little nudge on my belly from the outside! Of course it is mostly A, he is our more active one.. especially at night! hehe! He needs to get on a different sleeping schedule ASAP! :) I love my little babies so much!!!! Come on April!

Jeremy's list:

I'm thankful for an amazing wife! She takes such good care of me. I came home from work yesterday and the house was spotless! She had cleaned from top to bottom and did an amazing job. The house looked great! I love coming home to a clean house. I know that may not happen so often in the future with two boys running around messing everything up :)

I'm thankful for a day shift position in which I get off at 3:15pm. For 5 years or so I worked 12 hour night shifts. It was tough. At first I like it because of the people I worked with and the atmosphere at night. Not to mention the shift differential was really nice too! I really enjoyed it. Once Monica and I got married it got much harder to work nights. I wasn't seeing her hardly at all when I would work 3 days in a row. Maybe for two hours after I woke up and before I had to leave again we would get to spend time together. We also slept alone a lot. Monica was home alone for 3-4 nights a week. I'm thankful that now we get to spend every evening together and go to bed at the same time. Which leads me to me 3rd thankfulness.

I'm thankful for our time together in the evenings. I got called in to work last night from 10:45pm to 7:15am. Monica had to sleep alone in our bed and slept terrible. It made me realize just how thankful I am that I get to go to bed every night with my wife and don't have to be apart like we used to. I'm so thankful for our time in the evenings after dinner and treatment time, when we can sit on the couch and just be together. I really enjoy it. It's my de-stress time of the day. Being with her makes all the worries of the world disappear! My wife is the best thing that's ever happened to me! I love her so much! ;)

So what are you thankful for today?! Think long and hard about it and leave us a comment telling us what you came up with! Looking forward to hearing them!

Plus, don't forget to check out our Indiegogo website and share it!

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