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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Taco Salad, Christmas Lights & Cooking

Happy Thankful Thursday yo! It's that time of the week where we sit back and reflect on a few of the countless things we could be thankful for! Another week has come and gone, which means we're that much closer to finding out the gender of our twins! I'll stop there so as to prevent rambling and move on to the real topic of this post.... thankfulness! What are you thankful for blog readers?! Here's our lists:

Monica's List:

I am thankful for taco salad! I don't know that I could get enough of it right now! It tastes so good! I've already had it twice this week for dinner! I try to sneak in as many tomatoes and as much lettuce as possible to get in even more of my veggies. These kids may just come out with a taste for taco salad if I keep this up! :)

I am thankful for the Christmas season! I just love everything about it! The music, decorations, holiday cheer, buying gifts for others, food ;), togetherness... most of all I am thankful that Jesus humbled himself and came to the Earth to die for my sins! This is one that is hard for me to wrap my mind around! I can't imagine giving my child for the sins of the world! I am so thankful for the sacrifice and will never truly know the extent of the price He paid.

I am thankful for a smooth pregnancy! People often ask me how I feel and the answer is always, "I feel great! I'm just me... with two babies growing inside of me!" I hear about women who have had such difficult and hard pregnancies and it makes me realize how fortunate I am! I really don't have a thing to complain about! I don't physically feel all that different from before I was pregnant. Sure my body is growing (in more places than one), I have been having some decent leg cramps that wake me up in the middle of the night (anyone have advice on those?), and after a long day at work I may be a little more tired now than I was before... but I have energy, haven't been sick, I am not moody, I am happy, I am not craving sweets or "bad" food... the list could go on and on. I had more of a sweet tooth before I got pregnant. That alone is so wierd to me but I'll take it!!! I know things are going to get more difficult in the next few months as my belly gets huge! But no matter what I refuse to complain! I have been given the most precious GIFTS, gifts that I have prayed for for over 4 1/2 years! I am blessed and will continue to just be SOOO THANKFUL!!

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for Christmas lights! I love decorating the outside of the house with Christmas lights! Monica has to keep me grounded or I'd go CRAZY! We saw a 12 foot tall inflatable snowman at Garden Ridge last week.... I was SOOOOO excited! I didn't get it though. :( Next year! I love to put up lights though! Monica likes simple, one color, classy, elegant.... I like loud and in your face! Our house is not a loud and in your face house.... yet! Little by little I keep adding to my arsenal every year. This year I had probably 5-6 strands of lights die on me. It would have cost more to replace all the burned out bulbs than replace them. I am moving to all LED's! YEA! Anyway I love doing it, and when I'm finished I will post a picture of the finished product on here for all to see.

On a side note, my neighbor was asking Monica about the lights on our bushes. They are LED's that have 20 different lighting patterns on them. Right now I have them on "Sparkle." Our neighbor said they're the talk of the neighborhood! :) Everyone keeps asking him if he knows where I got them. Makes me feel good! :)

I'm thankful for a wife that can cook! I really was genuinely concerned about this before I got married. I'm a picky eater, and like certain things. I never lived on my own and so never really learned to cook, other than the very manly skill of grilling! Monica is an excellent cook! She takes it upon herself to make me expand my horizons when it comes to eating. I'm really glad she does this! I don't want picky eater kids. I've learned that I really like grilled asparagus with some EVOO, garlic salt and black pepper. Anyway, I'm thankful that my sweetheart can flat out cook! She'll make it a cake that will knock your sock off with it's looks and taste too!

Lastly I'm thankful for the success of our Indiegogo campaign that a friend of mine suggested we start. It has been doing really well. It's humbling how many people have helped by sharing and donating to our cause! If you wouldn't mind after reading this, click the link below or in the top left corner of our blog, watch at least the first 8 minutes of the video and copy/paste the link on your Facebook/Twitter/Google+/Pinterest/email/wherever! Thanks everyone!


  1. Monica, I had really bad leg cramps. My Dr. said take 3-4 tums a day and you won't have another one. He was right! Well almost I had one in my third trimester but that's still pretty good considering I was having 2 a night. Try it!

  2. I love your lists. Amen Jeremy on a wife that can cook. Maria is a phenomenal cook to say the least. Since we have been married I have gained over 30 pounds!!! Soon I will need to be on a diet :) have a great weekend my man!!

    I will make a post on my blog for soon to get the word out about your indiegogo campaign.

    1. Whoo, 30 pounds! That's awesome! She must be a phenomenal cook! I was hoping I'd gain a few when we got married, but haven't yet. Our weekend has been great so far! Hope yours has been too man!

      You don't have to do that John, but it would be awesome and much appreciated if you do! Thanks!
