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Monday, November 26, 2012

My Motivation

Motivation: A motivating force, stimulus or influence: Incentive, Drive

Different people all over the world are motivated to do different things. After all, that is how things progress. Motivation is one of the the driving forces behind innovation and invention. People are motivated to make things work better or more efficient, to challenge themselves, to win, to prove someone wrong, to make possible the impossible.

People are motivated to lose weight, to get in better physical shape, to become healthier.

People are motivated to excel at their careers.

People are motivated to make a difference in the world.

Motivation comes from various sources.

My motivation comes from God and my family. For the last 3 months I have doubled the amount of treatments I do. I have been running 4 days a week (except the last 2 weeks because of New Orleans and Thanksgiving) for a minimum of 3 miles each time. Today I went back to the clinic since I began the endeavors of becoming healthier.

My FEV1 went from 61% to 64%.

My initial reaction was almost that of disappointment. I had to catch myself. We can allow those feelings, those emotions to take over and ruin us. I had an increase in my PFT's. They went up, not down, and did not stay the same. Although it was not the increase I was looking for or expecting, it was an increase nonetheless. My doctor was happy, which makes me happy!

That 3% may be small, but it is that much more lung function that I have. Which interprets into that much more time I will get to spend with my wife, my twins (whom I CANNOT WAIT TO MEET) and my friends and family. That in and of itself is motivating!

Every time I lace up my running shoes and start to run, I think of my wife. I think of my twins. Every single time I run, I tell myself "This is for them, you push yourself the best you can.... for them." It's that simple. That's how I have been able to get up at 5 am before work and do treatments, and run when my legs hurt and I'd rather be a couch potato. I remind myself who it's for.

Lastly, I have peace. I have a peace that surpasses all understanding. I know that as long as I am doing my part to stay healthy, God will do His. His plan for my life is far better than anything I could dream up on my own. There is a peace in knowing that. There lies my motivation. To be on this earth as long as I can to be with my wife and kids, and see God's will unfold in my life. All I have to do is my part. Pretty simple when put that way isn't it?

My goal is to see and FEV1 > 70% by this time next year. When I was looking at my PFT record, I noticed that I haven't blown a 70% since 2008. There was one fluke a year and a half or so ago where I blew exactly a 70%. Both PFT's before and after that one were not close to 70%, so I write that one off. We'll see if I can accomplish it.

This kind of post is not my usual fashion, but it's what is on my mind. That initial flash of disappointment was replaced with joy and a feeling of accomplishment. I feel the best I have in a long time! Hopefully this post will help motivate some of you to go stronger and more diligently after your own goals!

So..... what motivates you?


  1. I have the same motivations though mine come on the brink of a transplant. My 6 year old and fiance and parents are my drivers. Also, the ability to breathe is a huge motivator. I also know that others have it much worse than I. I cannot imagine the lack of ability to move, see, hear and all those other things that I try not to take for granted. We are blessed by this disease! Hang tough man! Congrats on the increase, that is impressive considering all that you go through everyday. Don't wear yourself out at the same time though! You know your body the best! If you ever need anything or to talk let me know!

    1. Thanks Adam! Working in the hospital definitely reminds me everyday how blessed I am.

  2. Jeremy my man!!! Hey I know you are a half glass full type of guy, so do not beat yourself up over those PFT's. The point is that they are going in the right direction :) You are doing great look at all that exercise you are getting in I commend you!

    You and I both have some of the most motivation in the world! Once you hold those twins of yours you will feel so motivated to no end. Monica looks like she is progressing well I cannot wait till you guys find out what you are having.

    Lastly, just remember this it took years for our PFTs to decline and it will take TIME for them to increase. If you set goals and small increases in your PFT's eventually they will get to where you want them to be or close to it. But it will take time. Also, just remember PFT's are just one part of the clinic visit. If you feel like you are feeling good and your lungs sound good etc. then I as my doctor says you are doing good!!!

    1. For sure! I beat myself up for about 0.46 seconds, lol. What you said is dead on, and I'm glad you repeated it. I reminded myself that it does take years for your PFT's to drop and I can't expect them to be fixed in 3 months time. Thanks for saying that John!

      As you know, the anticipation is driving me crazy! haha! I can't wait to hold our two little miracles! Life is good!!!
