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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Morphsuits & Running Buddies

HEEEEEY! It's Thankful Thursday again! That means another week has passed us by. Hope you all lived it to the fullest and soaked up the best out of each day! It's that time of the week for Monica and I to reflect on our lives and find things to be thankful for. Like I always say, there's something to be thankful for.... always. This week Monica is working on a cake and has been one busy little bee the last couple evenings after work, so I'm going to go this one alone. She's in the kitchen working away, but is here in spirit.

Monica is one of those few people that are beautiful just as much on the inside as out, and she's GORGEOUS on the outside! She can always find something to be thankful for and see the bright side of things.

This week I'm thankful for a little spandex wonder known as a morphsuit. They are one of the most awesome things I've ever seen!I've wanted one for over a year now, but never wanted to spend the money to get one. I made a little extra cash recently and splurged (haven't done that in a while as we've been sticking to our budget very snugly) and buy me a morphsuit! My patience was rewarded! They have just released a blacklight responsive line that glow under blacklights! Of course, if you know me, you know I love blacklights!It's just so awesome when stuff glows, I can't explain my fascination with it. I purchased a neon orange morphsuit. They have morphsuits of all different varieties! Here's the link if you want to check them out. link :)Now I just need the matching fanny pack, sunglasses, and sweatband set!

I'm also thankful for running buddies! Recently, as I discussed in the previous post, I started getting up at 5 am to be able to get 2 vest treatments in a day and started running again. This time it's going to be a routine. My last FEV1 was 59%. Unacceptable. I was feeling pretty crummy like I may need an admission. Hopefully my efforts will deter this as I go to clinic a week from Monday. Several of our friends have gotten into running recently. My main man told me him and his bro-in-law were gonna start running on tuesdays and thursdays and then a weekend run. We started this Tuesday. Boy are we outta shape! We did the Cliff Cave loop by our house that is supposed to be 5 miles. That's a good distance. We had a really good time though! Got to chat during our walking times and came up with our weekly game plan. I'm so pumped for this you can't imagine!

I HAVE to run. There is no option when you have CF. Ronnie Sharpe's blog title photo is right on point, "Running because my life depends on it." The only way I will see an increase in PFT's is to make running a regular occurrence in my life. Having 2 buddies to run with is gonna make that a lot easier to stick to! After our first tuesday I ran again on wednesday for 2.4 miles and we ran a 5K (3.1 miles) today. I finished the 5K today with a time of 29:33. I've never timed myself at a 5K before but I'm pretty happy with that.

Well I've babbled enough about what I'm thankful for this week! Now it's your turn! Leave a comment telling us what YOU are thankful for! Don't forget to type your name or better yet sign in so we know who you are! Happy Thankful Thursday everybody! Hope this next week is the best ever!


  1. Hey Jeremy, I'm glad you are taking the initiative to get your butt out there and run. It is more than I have been doing. Well actually I just started riding my stationary bike this week. We will see I plan to get on that a few times a week. Yes, Monica and you look like a beautiful couple. As I tell my wife in order to marry a CF male you have to be beautiful:) I think its a trend for us Fibro's!

    I have posted my own thankful thursday. Feel free to check it out.

    1. Yes sir I am! Ran 3 times last week and hope to make that a routine. Hey man, whether riding a bike, walking, running, weight lifting, any exercise is good exercise! Keep it up! It must be an underlying requirement to marry a CFer, that you must be beautiful. Either that or the antibiotics make them look like beauty queens in our eyes! lol! Jk! I will definitely check out your thankful thursday!
