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Friday, August 10, 2012

More presentations?

First let's start out with a little late Thankful Thursday action, then we'll get into the presentation business. Monica and I were gone to the state fair all day yesterday with her family so we were unable to do our usual Thankful Thursday post. When I say all day, I mean all day! We got up around 7:00am left at 8am and didn't get home until 11pm. We were whooped! BUT, it was a GREAT day! So what are you thankful for?! I know there's something so tell us by posting a comment below!

Jeremy's List:

I'm thankful for these:


These are Asics Kinsei's! They are Monica and I's new running shoes! The top 2, with the orange, yellow, blue and red are mine. The bottom ones with the yellow, pink, purple, green, and blue are Monica's! They make a HUGE difference when running! Monica had wanted a new pair of running shoes for awhile and we had been looking. She did some research and found that Asics are supposed to be the best running shoe. We went to try some on and found out that the Kinsei (pronounced ken-see) are Asics' best shoe. Of course then that's what I wanted to by her! Only the best for my wonderful wife!!! She had been running in Nike Shox. The salesmen (a friend of ours) had a horrible look of shock when he heard this. She has never had problems with her feet or knees and has been skiing her whole life, but after a month of running her knees were starting to hurt. Our friend said the Shox HAD to be the source of this pain! :) The new shoes are awesome! I'm thankful for them and the motivation they give me to run more!

I'm thankful for opportunities! After I gave a presentation to my department last October, I was asked to give it at the Missouri state conference, which you may recall me talking about. I'm not sure if I've mentioned anything beyond that or not, but I was asked to give the presentation 3 more times!! Next monday the 13th, I'll be traveling to Capo Girardeau to give it at a local respiratory conference. Then on September 7th, I'll be giving it locally in Fenton, MO. Lastly, on November 13th, I'll be in New Orleans, LA to give it at the AARC Congress (the American Association for Respiratory Care national conference)! Crazy how fast things happen sometimes isn't it?! I count it as a huge blessing to get to spread awareness and be able to take my wife to see New Orleans! Can't wait! I'll post more as these events unfold!

So what are you thankful for today my friends?!?!


  1. I am still thankful for the two of you and the blessing you are to us and all you come in contact with. God reminds me daily of the blessings we have in our family. Your mother and I thank Him daily for the two of you and your sister. We love you more than we can ever say or show you! I pray that you both will always know that you can come to us for anything! We love all three of our kids equally, and feel fortunate to have all of you in our life!

  2. you are such an inspiration... thanks for always being so honest and putting it all out there!!! you have such a calling and I can't wait to see how God uses you both thru all this and I know he will keep you safe in all you do!!! God Bless you and keep up the good work!!!! Love you guys!

    1. Thanks Liz! It's pretty exciting to see things unfolding! It's more exciting knowing God's hand is in all of it and that He has only what's best for us!

  3. Hey Jeremy!

    I am thankful for my wonderful husband! On my first day back to school, he woke up early to make me breakfast. How awesome is that?!? Also, I am thankful for the buffalo chicken dip that is warming up in the oven and for beautiful weather for an outdoor picnic. Hope all is going well--it's been such a long time since high school! - Kelly

    1. What's up Kelly! I'm assuming Kelly Pfadenhauer or I guess Kelly Kaiser?! It has been a long time! I see you're a 4th grade teacher now! That's awesome! And it is totally awesome that you're husband made you breakfast! Sounds like an awesome fella! I too like anything buffalo-ey! lol! Things are fantastic here! Life is great! Hope everything is the same in your neck of the woods!

    2. You assumed correctly! Last name just changed almost two months ago! :-) He is a great guy...I am so lucky! Married life is treating us well, I'm glad to see that it's treating you and Monica well, too! Good luck with your speeches...sounds like you're going to be busy! Knock their socks off!

  4. Sounds like you are going on the speech circuit!!! I know you will do great. Thanks for representing all of us CFers. I am thankful today for our 5 year wedding anniversary! Good luck Jeremy in your upcoming presentations.
