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Monday, March 12, 2012

CF Talk

What up ladies and gents! So I'm not sure if I mentioned it yet in a previous post (pretty sure not) but in October of 2011 I was asked to give a presentation to my department about what it is like to live with CF. I work at Barnes-Jewish as a respiratory therapist. So I gave it and it went over really really well! I gave it 3 times in 1 day actually so all the shifts could hear it. When the director of our department heard it, she said she wanted me to be submitted to give the talk on a state and national level and work on getting it published! Total shock to me!

Well I got approved on the state level!!! On April 27th I will be giving my presentation to RT's from all over the state, some from out of state, in the Lake of the Ozarks at the Lodge of the Four Seasons Resort!! The conference is called the MSRC (Missouri State Respiratory Care) Conference. I also found out that Monica can go with me! Whoo-hoo!! So she's gonna chill at the resort, shop, swim do whatever while I attend some other presentations and earn some CEU's and then we'll have our evenings together! I'm really excited about the opportunity and can't wait to see where this thing goes from here! I also signed myself up for a 5K down there! Monica and I have been running 5 miles once a week so I think I should be moderately prepared as a 5K is only 3.1 miles. My goal is to run the entire thing, no breaks! Right now I wouldn't make it, but hopefully by then I will! Who wants to sign up for one with me?!?! Any takers?!


  1. Excuse me sir, I run 5 miles twice... if not three times a week. You run it once a week ;)

    1. Yes, yes you do that is my mistake! You've been a running machine lately!
