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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Around and Around it Goes

Sickness seems to be making it's way around the Parks household lately. I was sick with a sinus cold a little over a month ago that moved into my chest (as it always does). I get this cold twice a year almost like clockwork. Our ridiculous weather here in Missouri is almost always to blame. Every year around fall and then spring, we have a week of warm weather (60's to 70's) followed by a week in the teens. It never fails. Every year. No matter what measures I take to prevent it, I get sick.

This year it happened as usual. The cold wasn't as bad as it usual is. I missed no work and only had to survive on cold meds for a few days. I was on cipro (again, as usual). It hung around in my chest for quite some time, a few weeks. I just rid myself of it about two weeks ago. Well, the boys are teething and when they teeth, they get runny noses and colds. Usually I'm unaffected by it. This time has been no different. Until today.

Jace has had a horrible cough. He sounds like a CFer. Coughing so hard his little face turns bright red and veins are sticking out in his neck. He's got so much mucus draining into his lungs he keeps having coughing fits and gagging like crazy. Monica said he sounds like me when I'm sick, lol. Both boys have had runny noses. Jeriah has been running a fever with his for a couple days now. It breaks our heart to see our boys so pitiful looking. The weekend before last, we had 70 degree weather. It was awesome!! Yesterday the temps hit the single digits (with the wind chill) and it snowed. And now I feel pretty rough. Swollen throat, sinus congestion, headache, and to top it off, stomach cramps, lol.

The boys are getting their 2 year molars. They always get sick with new teeth. We're hoping that's all it is. But they don't usually get this sick. I started taking sinus medicine, allergy medicine and doing sinus rinses to hopefully nip this thing in the bud. Any other suggestions from fellow CFers out there?

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