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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Jeriah Week: "Momma" & Teeth

Jeriah has had a "mom"umental week! He's said "momma" a few times before but usually while continuing to say "mum-mum-mum-mum" over and over. A couple times he just said "momma" but it sounded like more of a fluke. He's still less than 6 months old so maybe it is still a fluke, BUT it sounds pretty convincing to me!

Yesterday I had the boys by myself while Monica was at work. It's a lot of work but twice as much fun as it is work! While I was burping Jeriah after he ate, he was in a talkative mood so I jumped on the opportunity to try and get him to say momma and it worked! As you will see in the video he repeats it 4 times after I tell him to! and it's a pretty clear "momma" a couple of those times!

I also noticed he was a little grumpy yesterday. He was kinda fussy and whining which isn't like him at all. He had only taken one 30 minute nap from 8:00am until 4:00pm which I thought was the problem. When Monica got home today with the boys, she put Jeriah in my lap and said "Feel his gums."

He has TWO TEETH!!!!!!

They're both sticking out and you can feel them and see them clear as day! It was literally overnight! We thought it would be awhile for either of them. They kind of had bumps but not very big ones. Guess we were wrong, our little booger has teeth now!

I tried to get some good pics of his two little teefies. He doesn't like to hold still nor have fingers in his mouth trying to pull his lip down and hold his mouth open, lol! See for yourself!

P.S. Just because this is a post about Jeriah doesn't mean I can't put some adorable pics of Jace in here too! He's too cute not to!



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