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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Motivation comes in many forms

Yesterday was the day I told myself I was going to start working out along with running. Last week my buddy and I began running again. We ran 3 times last week. The first time we made it to 1.7 miles and I had to stop. I was no longer able to control my breathing and had to stop and walk. I hate it when my lungs force me to stop. With CF I know it's gonna happen. I would much rather have to push through some pain in my legs than have to stop because I lose my breath. But it was a pretty good start considering I hadn't ran since November. The second time we made it to 2.7 miles before stopping. The last run of the week, Saturday we made it to 3.22 miles! It took us almost 38 minutes to complete, but we ran the whole thing.

To give you an idea of how far we've backslid, my fastest 5K, which I ran in November, was 27:39. I'm really happy with the progress we made in just 3 runs though. It felt great after the runs were over! Going into each run was still tough. I was still fighting the mental aspect of it. Thinking about the boys and Monica and telling myself I had to do it. By the end of last year, the mental aspect of not wanting to run was virtually gone. It was more a mental challenge to push myself harder each time.

I told myself Monday was the day I was going to add working out with running. Yesterday on the way home from work, I was so wiped out from not sleeping much the night before and working that I was falling asleep at the wheel. Falling asleep at 3 o'clock in the afternoon driving home! I was thinking to myself that Monica was probably going to be exhausted from being with the boys all day and that I was going to have to do my vest, help cook dinner or watch the boys while Monica cooked, and work out. I was thinking the working out wasn't going to get done.

I came home to a smiling wife, two smiling, happy boys and this wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen! Monica had dinner already going and just about done! I was astonished, excited, bewildered and starving! :) We ate dinner around 4:30 or so, which is really early for us. I did my vest and treatments a little after dinner. Then Monica asked me "Are you going running today?" I told her "No, we're going to run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week." She replied, "Oh..... well then when are you going to work out?" Hahaha! I was in the other room grinning from ear to ear. I said "What do you mean 'when', don't you mean 'are you going to work out?'" "No, I meant when and what are you going to work out tonight. If you're not running, you're working out." She proceeded to tell me that I didn't have a choice. I was working out and that was that!

So... I did the P90X Chest & Back DVD last night! It felt goooooood! I'm sore today. I forgot how much I love feeling sore! It's great! I'm also like my buddy Ronnie. I enjoy to sweat! I prefer to actually run in the heat of the day because you sweat like crazy! It makes it feel like you're really working! In my mind, if I'm not sweating I'm not accomplishing anything!

Yesterday my motivation came from Monica giving me a swift kick in the rear and telling me I was going to work out! Whatever it takes!

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