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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

28 Week Twin Update and Ultrasound Pics

Hey everyone! Well, we had an ultrasound done yesterday morning of our two awesome little boys! Everything is looking great still! Each time we go, we almost always have the maximum number of people allowed, lol. Somebody is usually off and goes with us. My father-in-law, mother-in-law,  sister-in-law, grandma-in-law, and mom have all been and yesterday my sister made the trip in from Springfield to see our boys.

They're growing! Baby B is our little chunker weighing 2 lbs 14 oz, and Baby A weighs 2lbs 8 oz. Each week when they measure them and check their weight, they give us a percentage that tells us how far apart their weights are. At 20 weeks, they were 7%. At 24 weeks they were 11%. Yesterday they are now at 13%. They expect them to weigh differently, and as long as the percentage stays below 20% everything is good! They don't seem to be worried at all about the jumps.

It is still so incredible to see them moving and squirming on the screen! As soon as the ultrasound tech started yesterday, she was down by Baby A's head and he bumped the wand hard enough to move it! I guess he didn't want to be disturbed, lol. So far, every week when they switch to 3D, Baby B is the one that cooperates and let's us see his adorable little face, and Baby A always hides. This week Baby A let us see is little face! He made a little pouty face for the second picture. Now we know that they both have mommy's nose. Yay!

Overall, mommy and babies are doing great! We have another ultrasound in 4 weeks. We start our class, "Preparing for Life with Multiples" on Feb. 27th. We'll keep you posted on all that we learn there too! For now I will leave you with pictures!!!


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