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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Water, Hubby, and Bubby ;)

Hey, it's Thankful Thursday time!! Last week I missed out because I was busy, so it ended up just being the hubby.... AND this week HE's busy so it will be just me!!! :)

I am thankful for water! I love water!!! And I drink ALOT of it!! I mean, really we should all be thankful for water... since we can't live without it and all. :) I stopped drinking soda and tea over a year ago and have replaced it with LOTS of water!! I actually crave cold water and I'm thankful for that! I want to be the most healthy I can possibly be and water helps me achieve that goal! Yay for WATER!

I am thankful for my hubby (huge shocker, huh?)! ;) He truly is the most Wonderful man I have ever known! He takes better care of me than I had ever expected my future husband to someday! I love you so much Pookiebear!! ;) You truly are my better half!

I am thankful for my big brother! My brother, Rick, is home for several weeks and I couldn't be more thrilled! He has been in medical school in Maine and we haven't seen him in 5 months! It is so good to have him home on break! Not only am I close to him, but Jeremy and Rick have been friends since they were little tots, so it's so good to know that Jeremy gets to spend time with one of his best buddies too!

What about you?! We'd love to hear what you are thankful for! Look around you, I know it won't take long for you to start a big list!

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy & Monica, I love this blog that you have created. I found you on run sick boy run. I have also started a blog recently and encourage you to take a look. I read in a prior post that you guys are/were going to go through IVF? My wife and I completed that journey. Well its semi complete bc our daughter is still growing in the womb. I have detailed our IVF journey so take a look when you get a chance and let me know you stopped by. I will be sure to follow your blog!!!
