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Thursday, April 3, 2014

First Steps

Well, the boys have gone and done it... they learned to walk. They've been taking a few small steps here and there. But now we agree they are officially walkers. They still choose to crawl a lot, but they can walk the length of a room! They started off going from one couch to the other. Our couches butt up against each other forming an "L." Instead of walking along the entire couch and transferring to the other, they started letting go and taking a step or two to get to the next one. They began getting gutsier and gutsier and finally we started working with them.

I heard about a study by a physician that said that babies who crawl early and longer have higher IQ's. That combined with not wanting to have two babies able to walk and get into even more stuff, led us to let them crawl until they decided they were ready to walk! Lol! I guess now they're finally ready. Here's a video of some of their first steps! Oh, and for some reason they just love the camera and wouldn't leave it alone, lol!

P.S. If you click the star looking icon in the bottom right corner of the video, you can change the video to HD (1080p)